Page 3 of Screw Me Sideways

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Sterling and Stellan Taylor showed up for work next. Wearing their grins like clowns in masks, they made a few catlike calls and mentioned Katherine.

“You won’t live this one down,” Kellan said.

“I get that impression, too.”

“Hey, Nory.” Stellan turned four shades of red as soon as he spoke to her.

“My, my, my, won’t you look at this pretty girl?” Sterling turned all the way around, working his bad-boy reputation by ogling Nory more than he should have.

“Hey, guys,” Nory said, blushing.

“See that?” Kellan asked, keeping his voice low.

“I’ll talk to them,” Reason quickly assured him. Recently promoted to assistant manager, Reason wasn’t about to get reamed because he couldn’t keep his staff under control.

“Busy on Sunday?” Sterling asked.

Nory thinned her lips and quickly shook her head. She thumbed the bar, obviously in an attempt to warn the Taylor brothers.

“Something going on I should know about?” Reason asked, his gaze jumping between the brothers.

“Nope,” Stellan replied. “How about you, Reason? Anything new to share?”

“Can’t think of anything,” he said tightly, wondering who was spreading the truth around. Ignoring the Taylor brothers as they headed to the kitchen, he made a note to deal with them later. Once they were out of earshot, he said, “Nory, listen, about Katherine—”

“Save it, Reason. I don’t care. It’s not my business, but like I said, Katherine used you. Her little boy has a broken heart. Jade is the one who crushed it because she’s only interested in earning a fair shot at you.”

Reason grinned. “Is that a fact?”

“You lucky son-of-a-gun.” Kellan pushed away from the counter. “Nory, tell Jade if she wants to celebrate her birthday here, we’ll run a special in her honor—two shots for the price of one. Tell her to see me or Reason for all the details and we’ll make sure it’s worth her while.”

Chapter Two

“Want to tell me what’s going on between you and Norina?”

Reason hadn’t wasted one minute. As soon as Nory left with her friends, he hit the Taylor brothers with full-throttled directness. Kellan couldn’t wait to see how Sterling and Stellan squirmed out of this one.

“You sound like Cartwell, man.” Sterling grabbed a beer out of the employee refrigerator. He popped the top and grinned. “Trying to keep her for yourself, are you?”

“It ends now.” Kellan had saved Nory’s life once. He hadn’t saved it so these two could grab hold of her while she was young. They’d have their way with her and inevitably break her heart.

“See you brought your back up,” Stellan said, nodding at Kellan.

“What’s the deal, guys?” Reason asked.

“Tell me something, Reason. Do you have an eye for all the pretty young things in Fletcher or just those who need saving?”

Reason looked mad enough to strike back so Kellan stepped in and said, “Nory is a sweet girl, but she’s a girl. She’s barely eighteen. Cartwell will have a fit if he finds out the two of you are sniffing around his place when he’s not home.”

The brothers looked at one another suspiciously, never realizing Kellan had set up the accusation on purpose. Reason didn’t breathe a word. He knew how Kellan worked and always had his six.

“Who told you? Nory?” Stellan asked, looking guilt ridden.

“Son-of-a-sorry-fucking-bitch!” Reason went for Sterling first and might have latched onto his throat if Kellan hadn’t stopped him.

“Hang on there a minute!” Kellan mashed his arm against Reason’s chest before he threw the first punch.

“Yeah, man. Pull it together.” Sterling shook off Reason’s grip. “Madden was there. Nothing happened.”
