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She began to cry softly, her heart breaking at the future lost to her. At the memories she would never have a chance to make.

With Jagger.

Long moments passed. The only sounds that could be heard in the cave were her gentle sobs. As her sadness seeped into the very air that she breathed, Skye felt the strength that lay at the heart of who and what she was begin to take its place.

The eagles were a noble and proud group of knights who lived to protect the very things that would destroy humanity. They were selfless. Solitary. It was dangerous.

It was a legacy, one to be proud of and it was time for her to own it. Not just in theory, but in actions.

She threw the blanket from her still shivering form and jumped to her feet. There was no time for weakness. Not now. Not with the end in sight.

“Good, you’re awake.” The low, harsh words grabbed her and she turned in surprise. She’d not heard Nico slip into the cave.

His eyes were fierce. Something had changed and unease slid through her body.

“Where’s Jagger? Is he all right?”

Nico stared at her in silence. When he began to move toward her, his long legs full of predatory grace, she stepped back but felt the cool wall of the cave at her back.

“Who are you, Skye Knightly?”

His question threw her, although the dislike he obviously felt was very apparent.

“I’m not sure what you mean,” she answered haltingly.

He laughed then, softly, and Skye shuddered at the raw power that emanated from deep within the warrior.

“I think you know exactly what I mean.”

He took another step toward her; she could feel the heat that emanated from his tall frame. His eyes burned with a fire that, truthfully, alarmed and frightened her. He was on the edge, this warrior, straddling the line between sanity and clarity in such a way that was unpredictable.

He could ruin everything.

She swallowed thickly but held her ground. “Nico, I don’t have time to play twenty questions.” She decided to be honest. “Look, I’m grateful you’re leading us to the Cave of the Sun, but let me be blunt. I think you’re more than a little crazy and I don’t trust you.” She paused before adding, “So why don’t you just ask me what it is you want to know?”

He growled softly and she could sense the anger that lay just beneath the surface. “You know what I find interesting, little eagle?”

She could only shake her head in answer.

“No?” He leaned in closer and Skye tried to turn away but she couldn’t. The blackness that laced his words and burned in his eyes had her gut clenching, and for the first time she began to fear for her safety.

“I find it interesting that you don’t trust me, when in fact you’re the one with something to hide.”

His voice lowered, falling in layers from his lips, and Skye flinched at the intensity of his gaze. He was close to turning. She could see it.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Nico laughed. The sound was harsh, unfriendly. “No?” he said as he cocked an eyebrow. “Care to explain how the female jaguar escaped?” He leaned down toward her, and Skye held her ground. His voice was barely above a whisper. “I found the remnants of the female jaguar’s bindings. They were cut. Clean and precise.”

Skye tried her best to appear calm and kept her face blank.

“I don’t like what you’re implying. Why the hell would I let a jaguar warrior escape, especially considering she’s hunting me?”

Nico grinned down at her, his handsome face fierce. “I was hoping you’d be willing to share.”

Skye looked away and shrugged her shoulders as her mind whirled into a million thoughts. She’d never been good at lying, although lately, it seemed to be a skill she’d had no problem acquiring.

“Move away from her.”
