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Jackson continued to lick her, suckle her clit, and bury his fingers inside. I pumped myself in time to her moans and when she came a second time, I felt my own body tense as I came too.


Though some of us lived in Las Vegas, much of the wedding party and friends didn’t. Like all Vegas first-timers, they wanted the quintessential Vegas experience.

A few of the places we went to I’d never even visited because, to a Las Vegas native, they’d never seemed that exciting, but I actually had a lot of fun experiencing the city as a tourist.

Later, Greer, Hanna, Sascha, and I ended up at the hotel bar, sipping cocktails at a small circular table. When Greer began chatting about the wedding, I found myself tuning out. I felt a little guilty about it, but I couldn’t stop thinking about last night with Caleb and Jackson.

I never thought sex could be like that. In the past, it was just something I did, something that passed the time. But with Jackson and Caleb? It felt like an actual experience.

I wondered if BDSM was always like that or if it was Jackson and Caleb. I was beginning to like them more than I cared to admit, which was so not good. I already broke my no guys for a year rule, and here I was feeling things for two guys at once. It was scary. It was exhilarating.

Then something occurred to me. Two nights ago when we’d had sex the first time, we did a roleplay in which I was a lawyer. Was that a coincidence or did they somehow know what my career was? I knew that I never told them. They still thought I was in town on vacation, not that I actually lived here. But how would they even figure it out?

For the time being, I put it from my mind, my thoughts drifted back to everything we did in the private room of the Dungeon.

A sound snapped me out of my thoughts. I focused my eyes and saw Hanna snapping her fingers in my face. “Hellooooo?” she said, “Earth to Erin!”

“Sorry!” I replied, looking around sheepishly at my friends. “Sorry, I was daydreaming.”

“I’ll say,” Greer said, grinning at me.

“What were you daydreaming about?” Sascha asked.

“It must have been good,” Hanna said. “What, with the way you were smiling like that!”

“Oh, nothing much. I’m just happy for Greer and John,” I lied.

Greer rolled her eyes. “I know that you’re happy for me, but I also know that’s not what you were thinking about.”

“Does it have anything to do with why you’ve been absent from the festivities the last few nights?” Hanna asked slyly. When I didn’t respond, she said, “Okay, keep your secrets. I’ll get it out of you eventually!”

We headed to the hotel spa after that. It was nice to get pampered for once. My muscles were sore from last night and the massage really helped loosen them up. After that, the four of us went to sit in the steam room, chatting about our lives.

“I’m so glad things are going so well for all of us,” Hanna said, letting out a happy sigh. “We’re all following our dreams.”

“I’d be happier if someone would hire me,” Sascha said, laughing. Sascha was looking for something in publishing. “Did I tell you I have an interview with Calliope Publishers here in Vegas?”

“Really?” I asked excitedly. “That would be so awesome if they hired you! Calliope Publishers would be lucky to have you!”

“Right? It would be incredible!” Sascha gushed.

Later, we joined the guys who’d just finished up with their poker game in the common room of our hotel. We passed beers out and, after a while, one of John’s friends suggested we play a game of Never Have I Ever.

He was met with a few groans, but the majority of the group was excited. “I haven’t played since high school!” Greer squealed.

“Does everyone know the rules?” John asked, his Louisiana accent coming through.

“I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never played before,” Sascha admitted.

“That’s okay!” Greer said. “It’s really easy. We’ll go around the circle and take turns saying things like ‘never have I ever had a hangover.’ If you’ve had a hangover, you’ll take a drink, but if you haven’t, you don’t do anything.”

“It’s basically a way to learn each other’s deep, dark secrets,” I joked, though there was some truth to it.

“Greer, since you’re the blushing bride, why don’t you go first?” Hanna said.

“Sure,” she said with a shrug. “Hm, never have I ever slept with someone on a first date.”

“Whoa, pulling out the big guns right away!” John joked, though both he and his fiancée took a drink.

“Each other?” I asked them, taking a drink myself. Unfortunately, the person I slept with on a first date was my ex.
