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The only downside, if it could even be seen that way, was that while she was focusing so much of her energy on pleasing us outside of work, Sascha’s attention to detail around the office was starting to slip a little. I mentioned to Carson that she neglected to bring me a batch of our writers’ paperwork, so a bunch of them didn’t get paid, and he told me that she’d mixed up his schedule a few times, so he went to two of his meetings prepared for the wrong clients. He also told me that Ryland had mentioned in passing that she’d neglected to get notices to him to get contracts written, so we were behind there too.

“Well, what do we do?” I asked him. “We can’t fire her. She was awesome before we started going at her like sailors.”

Carson nodded. “It’s true, and she’s still really good at her job, it’s just these little errors that are causing problems.” He sighed. “Plus, as much as I hate to admit defeat, I think I’d miss her quite a bit if she weren’t around.

“You and me both.” Sascha’s stunning smile, heartwarming laugh and daily words of encouragement skated across my brain. “Maybe we need to talk to her. Just bring her attention to them and she’ll straighten them out, or at least lay off her a little bit so she can refocus. We’re all so into this that we’re going a little harder than we need to be.”

A mischievous grin curved across Carson’s face. “I might have another idea.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Remember when you, Ryland and I were talking about having sex in the office?” Carson questioned.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Tomorrow,” he said. “You bring some of your toys, I’ll tell Ryland to pick up some wine, and I’ll get the most important part.”

A grin found my face. “What’s the most important part?”

“A costume to fit the part,” he said.

The next day, I walked up to Sascha at her desk near the end of the day. “Sascha.”

She turned and looked up at me, the hickey I’d given her a few nights before still peeking out from under her shirt collar. “Yes?”

“Carson, Ryland and I need to discuss your job performance with you. Please plan to stay after work hours today. We’ll meet in Carson’s office at 5,” I presented in my most serious voice.

Sascha frowned. “I know I’ve made a few mistakes lately, but I’ve been a little distracted, you know that.”

I wanted to break. She looked legitimately upset. “Try not to think about it too much. We just need to discuss what going forward looks like for us. Please, meet us in Carson’s office at 5.” I walked away without any other discussion. I didn’t want to blow it.

I had to put active effort into keeping my mind off of our plans throughout the day. Every time I imagined Sascha using some of the things I started to get a hard on and needed to relax. 5 o’clock couldn’t come soon enough.

What felt like hours later, I was finally shutting down my computer and heading over to Carson’s office. I walked over a few minutes before Sascha was meant to meet us and Ryland and Carson were already there, each with a glass of wine in their hands. I joined in, with a silent agreement passing between us that we were going to make the most of this new, exciting experience. We were each emptying our glasses when there was a light knock on Carson’s door.

“Come in,” I announced.

The door moved aside and Sacha walked in, a look of nervousness on her face. She shut the door behind her, but stayed standing right in front of it. “Hello.”

I smiled. “Hello. Thank you for coming.”

Carson nodded. “We need to talk with you about your job performance. It’s been slipping a little lately.”

“You’ve fumbled Carson’s schedule, put me behind on contracts and neglected to get writer paperwork turned in on time. These are small errors that can really start to add up,” Ryland explained. “It’s unacceptable.”

“I agree,” Sascha responded nervously. “I’m so sorry, I promise I’ll clean it up.”

“We actually had the opposite idea in mind,” Carson said. He lifted a bag from behind his desk and handed it over to Sascha. “Go put this on. We plan to show you exactly what happens to assistants to mess up their bosses’ work.”

Sascha peeked into the bag and then a smile popped onto her face briefly before disappearing behind a minxy, faux-innocent one. “Yes sir.”

She left the office for a few minutes and when she came back, I was beside myself. Her typical, hyper-professional attire was gone, leaving behind a costume befitting a porn star. There was a dress-shirt collar with a tie hanging from it, that was entirely separate from the cleavage-bearing halter-top that had a pin-stripe appearance to it and only barely covered her breasts and nothing more. There was a pencil-skirt that matched, that picked up right around her waist and was only about a foot-long, stopping mid-thigh, and to top it all off, a pair of stilettos.
