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Snapping myself out of it, I got up to finish my nightly routine, and to get ready for the morning ahead of me. Meeting both bosses tomorrow meant leaving an interesting, and long-lasting impression. If I wanted to move up to the junior editors’ position, I needed to be smart, quick, and hardworking. My mind cycled through what I would say, how I would introduce myself, and how the next day would go. I felt a fear wash over me, and before I finally went to sleep, as the anticipation set in. Even if Ryland and Carson were intimidating, I could handle them.

I could handle anything.


Plenty of interns had come and gone at Calliope Publishing, and I was sure that Sascha was going to be one of them. From what Ian had told me, I wasn’t going to even pretend I was impressed. A guy like Ian focused on a woman’s more attractive qualities, which was excellent if you wanted to date them. Sascha was an assistant, nothing more. It was more important to me that she knew her way around a computer than if she was attractive. Though I had to admit, having a beautiful assistant was a fantasy of mine, but you’d never catch me saying that out loud.

Carson and I were out in Philadelphia, trying to combine another publishing company when Ian called us.

“You need to stop hanging up on Ian,” Carson commented while collecting his bag from security. Every time Carson and I went through the airport, we fell victim to the “random” checks that involved a rather intensive pat-down. Carson found it hilarious, and I found it incredibly annoying. It was always because of Carson’s damn laptop. I knew he always has to work, but it wouldn’t hurt him to bring a book on-board and relax for five hours. I’d never admit how worried he made me when he walked into work with subtle bags under his eyes. He’d always look handsome, it was just how Carson was, but I still noticed the little ways his body showed he was tired.

Even though he was my boss, he was also my friend. I needed to look out for him.

“Ian needs to stop nattering on about things I don’t care about,” I said sternly and Carson laughed.

“You’re still angry about how the meeting went with the publisher, Ryland?’

“How could you tell?” I growled. “And, oh joy, I get to sit in a tube with recycled air for five hours.”

“Relax, sour puss. With a tone like that, you’ll scare the ladies away.” I let out a sigh and tried to distract myself by focusing on my surroundings. Philadelphia International Airport was full of long winding tunnels, cheap jewelry shops, and a quaint bookstore. It saved my life a few times when Carson and I had to run out the door to catch a flight that changed times. If it weren’t for my copy of “A Movable Feast” by Hemingway in my coat pocket, I might have used it today. My mind kept going back to the meeting even after I tried my best to focus on the convenience store with the fancy plastic water bottles.

“I can’t believe he didn’t take the deal, Carson. It was the deal of a lifetime. Some businessmen wouldn’t see a great opportunity even if it slapped them in the face.”

“Yes, Ryland, but we don’t need to take it out on Ian.”

“How are you not angry? How are you never angry?”

“So, you can do it for me.” Carson chuckled. True, he was always the more level headed of the both of us. Even in Harvard he took everything with a cool head and dignified demeanor. We worked well together because he had the passion, and I had the calculation.

“I’m the COO for a reason, and if Ian likes this Sascha, I can’t help but feel nervous about her. She’ll probably be late on her first day. It isn’t the first time that happened. Remember that journalist fresh off the plane from Europe? She had great references, almost as great as Sascha’s, but she turned out to be another floozy sleeping her way to the top.”

“I wouldn’t count her out before you’ve met her,” Carson said, as we lined up for business class. “I for one am impressed with her resume.”

“I’m impressed as well.” I handed the stewardess my ID and ticket, Carson did the same. We started walking towards the plane side-by-side. “With so many interns coming and going, it’s hard to tell a person’s merit based on a sheet of paper. I’ll make sure to test her myself tomorrow.”

Calliope felt like a second home to me, and as I walked down the halls after a week’s absence, there wasn’t a thing out of place. Well, there was one. A beautiful young woman who I assumed was Sascha was already sitting at the front desk, typing at the computer. My shock almost appeared on my face as I thought she would have been tardy. As I approached Sascha, her eyes darted towards mine, and she stood up, fixing her skirt in the process. I assumed she already knew who I was. She circled around the desk to stand in front of me.
