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Without another word, Maurice glided out of the cabin.

Juan took a breath and made the call.

Upon answering, Overholt frowned. “You look a little haggard, Juan.”

“That’s why I’m due at the spa for a facial and manicure later,” Juan joked halfheartedly before turning serious. “I’m sure you’ve read my report by now.”

“I have, and I must say I’m perplexed. It’s not like you to be caught off guard like that. Have you determined what caused your people to panic and jump the gun?”

“Not yet. I have Julia Huxley on it. If anyone can figure it out, she will.”

“Well, I’m sorry to make things worse for you,” Overholt said, “but I have some news that is disturbing.”

Juan sat forward, expecting a reprimand from Overholt’s superiors for botching the mission.

“The crew of the Mantícora was rescued,” Overholt continued. “As we feared, the ship was sunk, and they lost nine crew members in the tragedy.”

Juan tilted his head in confusion. “I don’t understand. What does that have to do with us?”

Overholt looked troubled. “One of the rescued men was a CIA agent named Jack Perry. Do you know him?”

Juan shrugged and shook his head. “Must have joined after I left.”

“Perry was supposed to be covertly buying arms for a rebel action that we are supporting. The transfer of the containers was to be done at sea from a freighter called the Portland.”

Juan didn’t like where this was going.

“According to Perry,” Overholt continued, “the Portland opened fire on the Mantícora with Gatling guns and a tank cannon hidden behind hull plates and sent her to the bottom. They also stole the payment for the weapons.”

Juan gaped at him. “What did the ship look like?”

“Perry’s description fits the Oregon perfectly, down to the five cranes, peeling paint, and filthy captain’s office.”

“So he met the captain?”

Overholt nodded gravely. “The name the man used was Chester Knight, clearly an alias.” He paused for effect. “And he had a prosthetic leg.”

Juan was stunned.

“Is Perry trustworthy?”

“His story was corroborated by the other survivors, except for the description of Captain Knight. Perry was the only one who saw him.”

“We didn’t sink the Mantícora.”

“Of course I know that,” Overholt said. “But it doesn’t help that the attacking ship had a name similar to your own, which makes it sound like you used Portland as a pseudonym.”

Juan thought about how this would look. “And we were in the general vicinity four days ago.”

“Exactly my problem explaining this to the CIA brass.”

“They think we’ve gone rogue?”

“That’s the conclusion I’m trying to steer them away from,” Overholt said. “But now it’s become exponentially more difficult to make my case defending you. Additional incriminating evidence has come to light.”

Juan’s stomach sank as he waited for the other shoe to drop.

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