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“No.” Mark shook his head, and drew her down onto the bed to lie beside him. They weren’t going to take matters any further, and wouldn’t until they were married, but he wanted to be able to hold her close, for a little while at least. “Now, about that wedding.”

“What wedding?” Harriett’s heart flipped at the look he gave her.

“Our wedding, of course. As soon as you are well enough, we are going to see the vicar and book a date for our wedding.”

Harriett nodded and smiled. “I take it that you have a timeframe in mind, given that we have some courting to do first?”

As it was already the middle of September, they would not be married until next spring at the earliest. A small part of her felt strangely deflated at the need to wait so long, but she knew that matters had to take their own course and she couldn’t rush toward a wedding without a reasonable period of courting Mark, without drawing scandalised gossip.”

Mark smiled secretively. “I have it on good authority that the 20th December is a very good day for a wedding.”

