Page 49 of Adoration

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‘Because Sissy is impoverished,’ Morgan snapped.

‘Not everybody is prepared to overlook her lack of wealth or title,’ Alicia announced sadly.

‘So you invited her here as fodder for Mariette to sneer at in the hopes that Sissy would turn against me?’ Morgan growled. ‘Because I warn you now that if that is the case you can go to bloody Scotland as well and not come back. I am not going to have you tell me who I can marry. I am not going to have you scheme and manipulate situations like today behind my back. God in Hell, the next thing you are going to do will be to try to tell me that Charlton was right to assault her like that. How dare you?’

‘Calm down, Morgan,’ Alicia pleaded.

Morgan shook her off and stalked back into his house. It was the last place he wanted to go. It incensed him that he was, once again, prevented from doing what he wanted to do because of other people.

‘Damn it, I want my life back,’ he bellowed, slamming his way into his library.

‘At least it happened in your house,’ Ralph murmured from beside the fire.

Morgan turned to look at his friend. ‘You heard then.’

‘The whole household heard, my friend,’ Ralph replied. ‘I have been here all morning, don’t forget. I have been cowering in the study because I daren’t come out given how many simpering misses were in the house. Besides, I know how scheming your sister can be, remember?’ He edged closer. ‘What I think your mother is trying to say is that there had to be a scene like this. People will judge Sissy, openly. That is how our society works, I am afraid. However, at least the distasteful altercation happened in your house where you could take the steps you did with full authority. Had this happened in, say, Lady Merlton’s house, you wouldn’t have been able to throw them out or take the moral high ground. Moreover, there would be many more scandalised witnesses who would latch onto Mariette’s malice and side with her. At least in your house they have all been able to see how poorly Mariette has behaved, how harsh you will be with anybody who dares question Sissy’s morality, and that you are not afraid of taking whatever action you deem fit to stop any gossip. You are a Lord. It is high time that people remembered that. Unfortunately, I think the problem is that most of Mariette’s friends have seen you as nothing more than her indulgent older brother they are all overly familiar with. It is high time that you became Lord of the manor and ruled the house as you see fit.’

‘Those guests will have to tell their parents what has happened because of the likelihood of your letters arriving at their homes. It will stop them at least because their parents won’t want to offend you, Morgan. For now, all you can do is allow them to talk about Mariette’s departure for Scotland, and hope that everyone will eventually lose interest in you and Sissy,’ Alicia added. ‘You have bigger problems.’

‘Sissy,’ Morgan growled.

Alicia looked sadly at him.

Morgan cursed. ‘As the Lord in charge of this particular house I am going to choose who I want to wed, and the entire ton can either take it or leave it. If they shun Sissy they shun me and that, as far as I am concerned, is no great loss. People who are prepared to judge my wife purely on how many coins she has in her purse are not worth calling friends.’

‘Don’t,’ Ralph suggested when Morgan moved to the front door. ‘Go and see her tomorrow, or the day after, when she has had time to calm down a little. It might be better to deal with Mariette first, before she does any more damage.’

Morgan’s gaze snapped to his friend. ‘Have you heard something?’

‘No. What I have witnessed is that there were plenty of whispers and smiles. Whether they were planning the attack, or something more, I shudder to think. What I would advise is that you concentrate on getting Mariette to Scotland and away from here. When she has gone you have time to sort out your association with Sissy if you choose to try to retrieve it.’

‘Retrieve it,’ Morgan repeated dully. He knew it was damaged, but he struggled to believe that it had been irreparably broken. ‘I don’t care what it takes. I don’t care if I have to get on my knees and beg her to let me back into her life, I will do whatever I have to do to persuade Sissy to marry me,’ he bit out firmly.

‘I know you care about her,’ Alicia began hesitantly.

‘You don’t believe me,’ Morgan snapped.

‘I just don’t want you to do something in defiance of society. Just make sure that Sissy is what you want.’

‘You really think I would be that juvenile,’ Morgan grunted with a disgusted shake of his head. He knew then that his mother had no idea how he truly felt.

‘Tell her,’ Ralph ordered from the doorway.

Morgan huffed a sigh.

Alicia looked from Ralph to Morgan and back again. ‘Tell me what?’

A heavy silence settled over everyone.

‘He has been in love with Sissy for years. I don’t just mean a little besotted either. He adores her. This isn’t any passing fancy. This is a deep and abiding love that has matured as he has grown up.’ Ralph pointed one long finger at his friend.

‘What?’ Alicia gasped. ‘Why did I not know anything of this?’

‘You are my mother!’ Morgan bellowed. ‘What did you expect me to do? Sit down and open my heart to you? I wanted the first woman I told to be Sissy seeing as she plays a very large part in how I feel. It is more appropriate, don’t you think?’

Alicia had to concede that he had a point. She was shocked that Morgan didn’t deny what Ralph had said. Suddenly, it felt as if the very confusing pieces of a puzzle began to fall into place.

‘Why have you decided to do something about her now?’ she asked quietly.
