Page 33 of Hopeless Heart

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“From the orchard here?” Ruth frowned out of the window in consternation.

“Nope,” Georgiana replied with a pleased smile. “There are two large apple trees on the outskirts of town. I went there.”

Ruth nodded. “That’s Mr Cherryton’s old orchard. Nobody ever uses it. He won’t mind.”

“Good. Nobody saw me either,” Georgiana replied.

“Good,” Ruth replied with a smile. “So, what do you plan to experience next?”

“I should like to wear my new red dress,” Georgiana blurted out as she contemplated her list. When Ruth looked at her in astonishment, Georgiana sighed. “I don’t wish to wear it outside of the house. I just want to wear something that I want to wear instead of these ridiculously insipid colours Cecily always insists on.”

“They are the height of fashion,” Ruth murmured in a parody of Cecily’s high-pitched voice.

“Well, I look like a ghost,” Georgiana sighed. She turned a somewhat dreamy gaze out of the window. “Red is my favourite colour. I should so like to wear my dress.”

Ruth opened her mouth to say something but then snapped it closed again.

“What?” Georgiana prompted, wondering what made her aunt so hesitant.

Ruth coughed and shifted uncomfortably.

“What? Tell me,” Georgiana demanded.

“Well, if you wanted to wear something red without anybody knowing about it, you should ask the modiste to make you a corset or something in the colour. I am sure she would,” Ruth replied quietly. “Then you can wear red whenever you want to.”

“Red underclothing?” Georgiana asked in astonishment. It was terribly risqué but also delightfully thrilling. Georgiana still shook her head. “No, I shouldn’t.” She leaned forward, hesitant and intrigued at the same time. “Could I?”

“The modiste is there to make whatever you want her to make. There is one I know of who would be willing to provide you with a corset in whatever colour you want, and she won’t utter a word of protest.” Ruth smiled conspiratorially at her.

“I am surprised you are not shocked or horrified,” Georgiana began hesitantly.

“Oh, nonsense,” Ruth protested. “This is personal and private to you. As long as you don’t wear them while you parade down the main street in the village, there can be no harm to anybody now can there?”

Georgiana laughed and shook her head. “Now you sound like Henry. He said exactly the same thing.”

“Well, there you go then. Two people can’t be wrong can we?” Ruth replied with a smile.

“I won’t wear them out of the house, I promise.” It didn’t occur to Georgiana to consider just how readily she accepted the suggestion to purchase red undergarments. She loved the idea, and fully intended to buy some the next time she was in town.

“Come with me,” Ruth urged suddenly as she pushed away from the table.

Curious, Georgiana followed.

“I haven’t earned the reputation for being the family’s black sheep for nothing. I should like to show you something,” Ruth said as she pushed open the door to her bed chamber moments later.

Inside, Georgiana watched Ruth rummage around in her dresser for a few minutes before she retrieved a neatly wrapped package which she placed upon the bed. Carefully peeling the folds back, she lifted the fine garment within free of its delicate confines and held it aloft for Georgiana to see.

“Good Lord,” Georgiana whispered as she stared at the emerald green and black dress liberally embellished with black beads. “It’s stunning.”

“You see? Everyone has their secrets, Georgiana. Every woman should have something like this to keep purely for herself. I have had my list of adventures to experience as well. I do understand. I have had this dress for several years now and purchased it on a whim because I fell in love with the colour. However, only a handful of people are aware it is here and I don’t wear it. Just knowing I have it here helps me. It isn’t necessarily wearing it that is the issue here. Just knowing that one has it and could wear it is what matters.” Ruth rifled through the packaging and removed a second garment, considerably smaller. “I also bought this.”

“Oh, good Lord,” Georgiana whispered as she fingered the silken material of the corset made to match the green and black dress. “How wonderful.”

“Do you like them?” Ruth asked curiously.

“Of course, they are absolutely fabulous.”

“Good, then you shall not be offended if I give you these,” Ruth declared as she thrust a box at her that had been hiding under the bed.
