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Megan shook her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yeah, you do.” Caz glared at her. “I asked him what, exactly, he’d told you the night you phoned him.”

“Oh.” She felt color flood her face. “Well, I—I—I don’t see what business that is of yours.”

“You don’t, huh? Well, let me spell it out for you, Megan. You said you left me because of what he told you.” Caz’s mouth thinned. “What he supposedly told you.”

Megan swallowed dryly. “So?”

“So, why such an elaborate lie? All you had to do was tell me you wanted to end our marriage.”

“Marriage?” Sean’s voice snapped like a whip. “What marriage? Listen, Qasim or Caz or whatever the hell your name is, you never said anything about—”

“What’s the difference?” Megan said, her eyes fixed on Caz’s face. “Our marriage is over. You made sure of that. You divorced me, remember? You said—”

“Is everybody crazy? Bree, what’s she talking about? Our Megan was married?”

“Your Megan is married,” Caz growled.

“I’m not. You dissolved our marriage.”

“Not true.”

“But you said—”

“I lied.”

Megan blinked. “You lied?”

“Damned right.”

“Oh.” She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. “Then—then just saying you divorced me didn’t…”

Caz snorted.

“What’s so funny?” Megan said, slapping her hands on her hips and tapping her foot.

“I admit, Suliyam’s not a lawyer’s paradise but even in my country, divorce isn’t that simple. There have to be witnesses to the declaration, papers signed…”

She stared at him. “So we’re not…?”

“No. We’re not. You’re still my wife.”

“Is that why you came here? To tell me we’re still married, and that you want a real divorce?”

“You know, kalila, for an intelligent woman, you can be awfully stupid.”

“Hey! That’s my sister you’re—”

“She’s my wife,” Caz said. He looked at Megan and his voice softened. “And you’re going to remain my wife, because I won’t let you leave me.”

“I already left you,” Megan said, and told her heart to stop racing. So what if he wanted her back? So what if, by some miracle, he loved her? She loved him, far too much to let him risk his life, his throne, all he’d worked to achieve for his people. “And why did it take you four weeks to tell me this? Why did you go looking for my brother instead of me?”

“It took me that long because I let my pride get in the way. And I went looking for your brother because I thought he’d talked you into leaving me.” Caz smiled a little. “I figured I had two choices, kalila. Either I’d change his mind—or I’d beat him into a pulp.”

Sean started to speak but Caz ignored him.

“Do you remember that last time we made love?” His eyes darkened. “How we held each other
