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“That’s what we’re trying to figure out,” Akara says to Sulli, taking over the meeting again. “Here’s what we know, guys. The four leaks are all true. The tech team couldn’t trace the IP address to The Royal Leaks. We have no idea who’s behind the website, but every leak has one common denominator.”

“Us,” Jane realizes, wide-eyed.

Akara nods. “The leaks have all centered around people living in the penthouse. We think the penthouse might be bugged.”

“Fucking fuck,” Sulli breathes out. “Seriously?”

“It’s a working theory.”

“Unproven,” Farrow says easily. “If the house were bugged, it’s more likely a leak about you three would come out.” He raises his brows at me, then Sulli and Akara.

Sulli isn’t ready for our poly relationship to be blasted to the media while we’re newly together. She looks like a deer in fucking headlights, and I want to protect my Bambi from being run over.

“Maybe it’s coming,” Maximoff says ominously.


Sulli says the word I’m thinking out loud.

“Right now, this site has zero traction,” Akara says confidently, making sure Sulli hears him. “It hasn’t been picked up by superfans of the famous ones or the general media. It’s just another random site that no one but us here realizes is spitting facts.”

Luna looks wary. “A site like this could go viral if someone popular boosted the link.”

Donnelly says, “We’re not gonna boost the link.”

“Treat the site like you never saw it,” Akara declares, and to the girls and Maximoff, he says, “You can check any new leaks yourself every day, or you can rest assured that your bodyguards will keep tabs.”

“So what now?” Jane asks. “We find the bug?”

“We’re compiling a list of everyone who’s entered and exited the penthouse this month. We’ll crosscheck on who could’ve potentially planted a bug,” Akara explains, “but until then, we need to sweep the penthouse. And to thoroughly canvass a place of this size means we’re going to need everyone to vacate for the next couple of days. Is that okay?”

Luna speaks up first. “That’s good with me. I can stay with Eliot and Tom.”

Maximoff gestures over to Farrow and his son Ripley. “We’re going to stay with my parents.”

Jane nods heartily. “Thatcher and I will head back to my parents’ house as well.”

Everyone turns to Sulli. Mermaid cringes a little, and it doesn’t take the smartest shitbag on Earth to know she’s thinking of staying with her mom and dad.

I’m here for whichever direction Sulli goes.

Jane tells her, “Beckett will surely let you stay over with him.”

Sulli frowns. “I know he would, but maybe I need to go home. I can’t keep running away from my dad.” She looks over at me and Akara. “Would you two be okay coming with me to my parents’ house?”

Akara and I share a smile, proud of Sulli for wanting to rebuild what exploded, even if it’ll be an uncomfortable shitshow.

I nod to Sulli. “Pack me up and ship me out.”

I’m ready.



Akara drives the old Jeep Wrangler down Sulli’s childhood street. With Triple Shield’s security mansions one street over, Akara and I are familiar with this bougie gated neighborhood in Philly. I spent six years living here when I protected Xander Hale. But I can’t remember ever needing to step foot into the Meadows cottage like Akara.

Been outside, sure.

Before I pocket my phone, I finally click into the unread text.

Breakfast tomorrow? I’m free at 0700. – Dad

I run my hand back and forth over my unshaven jaw. Sulli has two 24/7 bodyguards now that I’m permanently on her detail and Akara isn’t going anywhere. So I could probably swing a morning off work while he’s protecting her—unlike when I was a hot commodity floater and was twisted in every direction like a fucking gold-foiled pretzel.

Thought I’d miss being pulled and staying on my toes, but I don’t.

I haven’t.

Nothing beats being able to protect the woman I love. And having Sulli curl up against my chest at night is better than being stuck in New York City traffic with a Cobalt.

Reminds me that Akara and I haven’t slept in our apartment much lately. We’ve crashed in Sulli’s room. Her bed. Most of the time, we all just fall asleep together.

Ryke Meadows is gonna love learning that his daughter is going to bed with two men every night. Not that I plan on telling him intimate shit, but if he asks, I won’t lie.

Quickly, I text my dad back a few words: Can’t. On-duty tomorrow.

Any face-to-face talk might actually do damage, I’ve decided, and that’s what I’m avoiding for Akara’s sake. Separation is best. It’s what my dad always wanted anyway.

He’s quick to reply.

Another time then. Let me know what works for you – Dad

I send: K

He’s not picking up the chill in my response because he doesn’t really know me. We don’t lament about the bad times or good times. We hardly ever text, and the only reason he’s messaging now is because he’s living in Philly again.
