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‘Okay, the point is that rhabdomyolysis causes organ dysfunction such as acute renal failure, so the likelihood of developing acute crush syndrome is directly related to the length of time the body is under compression.’

‘So you’re looking for the guys to release the victim or victims as soon as possible,’ Kane surmised, his brain clouding over as she shifted, subconsciously, closer to him.

‘Irrespective of how long they’ve been trapped.’ She nodded a little jerkily. ‘But they will need to apply tourniquets.’

‘Right.’ It was impossible to concentrate when he felt her in every part of himself, like this.

‘Your guys will need to administer pain relief. I know they’ll each have the lollipop lozenges with fentanyl, but in this instance you’re going to need the section medic to administer a strong intramuscular morphine shot.’

Everything was falling away. Her office. The hospital, even the fact that they were on a military training ground. There was only Mattie.

‘Testing that long flight scenario requiring inflight operation on the MERT, I would put with a forward unit, so arguably this location here.’ He pointed to the map, indicating the grid reference.

His hadn’t intended it—at least, not on any conscious level—but his hand brushed hers as he moved.

He might as well have self-combusted.

‘Agreed.’ She swallowed. Hard. ‘I’ll send a couple of Directing Staff there on your instruction. And the veterans who have already suffered life-changing injuries will act as serious casualties for the simulations.’

There was a roar in his head. A rushing noise, drowning out everything else. He fought to maintain some semblance of restraint, but she was leaning into him now. Her warmth, her scent were irresistible.

‘Yeah, once they fly in, your medical staff who aren’t on the exercise can decide how best to make them up.’

His voice cracked, but she didn’t notice. She was too intent on staring at him, her voice growing softer, murmuring the words as if on autopilot.

‘Multiple casualties, some big pyrotechnics to make the scenarios as realistic as possible.’

Kane snaked out his hand and slid it around the back of her neck, tugging her to him. She didn’t even pretend to resist, her hands circling his upper arms, her papers floating to the floor with a soft swishing noise.

The kiss was hotter, and wilder, than even he had remembered. Carnal, feral, savage. He ravaged her mouth with his own, dragging his tongue across her lips, dipping into her mouth then out again. And she met him stroke for stroke. Like she was caught up in the same madness that was sweeping him away. He kissed her, over and over, plundering and demanding. Imagining that somehow, some way these kisses branded her and made her his.

And then he was scooping her up, his hands holding her backside as she wrapped her legs around him. He carried her to the desk, his mouth never leaving hers. The heat from her body, so hot and inviting, even through their clothing, was making the blood roar in his ears. Making him want to taste her again, just like the other night. He reached down between them and ran his fingers up the seam of her trousers, right where she was molten for him, and the soft, greedy sound she emitted made him ache almost painfully.

He wasn’t prepared for her to tear her mouth from his.

‘Wait.’ Her breathing was ragged, wrecked. And Kane found that he liked that rather too much.

But, still, he wasn’t sure he could wait at all. He moved his hand and ran it over her core again, and her eyelids fluttered down as she bit her lip.

God, but she was beautiful.

And then she drew back, sliding her hands over his arms, as if testing out the muscles, and then she moved them to his chest, letting her palms glide down his pectorals, his abs, until she was sudd

enly cupping his sex, sliding down the zip of his trousers without preamble and slipping her hand inside.

‘I rather think, Kane,’ she told him, in the sexiest, most commanding voice he thought he’d ever heard, ‘that you took charge last time. Now it’s my turn.’

Before he could speak, her hot fingers closed around him, applying just the right amount of pressure, and then moving up, down so damn slowly. He bit back a deep groan. It had to be the most perfect torture he’d ever known in his life. She was taking charge, as though she couldn’t wait another moment to touch him, to taste him, to do whatever it was that she wanted to do to him. And he feared he might let her. Right here and now.

What was it about this one woman that had him—had always had him—so crazy and unbridled?

He pulled her body to his and she fitted against him like she always did. Like she always had. Kane forgot what the rules were, what he could do, and what he couldn’t. He forgot that this couldn’t happen. He simply knew that wanted her with every fibre of his being, and what was even more incredible was that she wanted him, too.

A loud knock on the door jarred them both back to reality.

As Mattie sprang backwards, he kept his back to the door, aware that his body was a giveaway sign of what had just been happening.

‘I’m sorry to disturb you, Major Brigham,’ the voice began, ‘but ICU called to say your gunshot patient has developed complications, and you might want to see him.’
