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A stunning pear-shaped diamond winked back at her, and tiny diamonds were set into the shoulder of the band itself.

‘It’s...stunning,’ she breathed, once she could trust herself to speak. ‘But... I didn’t think...’

‘How could you not have thought?’ His voice was both a promise and a chastisement. ‘The simple truth is that I love you, Kat Steel. You stole our hearts—mine and my son’s. So what we want to know is if you’ll marry me.’

‘Us.’ Jamie poked his head up solemnly. ‘Will you be my mommy for real?’

‘Will you marry us, and be Jamie’s mommy?’ Logan asked with a laugh that was a smidgen too thick with emotion. ‘For real?’

It was almost Kat’s undoing.

For a long moment she let her hands rest on the toy, scarcely able to believe that what had started out as a move to Seattle to get away from the grief of losing the child she’d begun to think of her as her own had turned into her finding a family of her own.

Being the happiest she thought she’d ever felt in her entire life.

‘If you want to,’ Jamie added. And just for a moment his eyes clouded over with an uncertainty that Kat couldn’t bear to see.

‘I want to,’ she choked out, dropping on jelly-like knees to put herself face to face with the boy who loved her so much that he wanted her to be his mommy. He—they—wanted her to make it for ever. ‘How could I ever want anything more?’

When he threw his arms around her neck, squeezing so tightly that she’d thought she might die, she poured everything she could into hugging him back.

She had no idea how long they stayed like that, but eventually she felt his little hands disentangling them, his voice in her ear.

‘Then I think I’d like to play with my new toy, now, Mommy.’

And as she handed him the pterodactyl, she laughed at how, just like that, everything was right in his uncomplicated world.

Finally, she stood up again, her eyes locking with Logan’s, her hands moving instinctively to rest her palms on his solid, far-too-tempting chest.

‘I love you, too,’ she whispered. ‘I think I have done since almost the first moment we met. Since I saw you, so protective and loyal to the King, even if I didn’t know who he was then.’

‘He was duty. My pride. You—and Jamie—are my world. And I intend to make sure you feel that—every single day.’

‘I’ll hold you to that,’ she muttered, reaching up on her toes until her mouth was scant millimetres from his. ‘And I know you always keep your promises.’

‘Always,’ he confirmed. ‘Merry Christmas, Kat.’

‘Merry Christmas,’ she breathed as he lowered his mouth to claim hers.

The first kiss of the rest of their lives.

* * *
