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“Yes.” Jeni was an interference, always thinking about our night together, pushing images into my mind of our naked bodies—sweating, fucking, coming. In my defense, I’d had no recollection of Mia at the time, but I had no desire to relive the moment I bedded someone who was not my wife. Even if I fucking enjoyed it. Twice.

We pulled into the parking lot of the resort, and Jeni became unusually quiet. Even her mind was silent. Ah, the Seer is finally learning how to block people from her thoughts. Good. She needed to start honing her skills.

“Is there something you wish to say before I leave you?”

“The man who saved me tonight said you shouldn’t leave me unguarded,” Jeni finally muttered. “Then he called me ‘little treasure.’ What do you think he meant?”

“Obviously, it means he thinks you have value.”

“But then why didn’t he take me? He had the chance.”

“People do not always act in ways that make sense to others. And some like to play with their food first.” Victor was such a person. So were most members of Ten Club. “Whoever he is, be wary. Do not trust him.”

“Is he Ten Club?”

“There are only two remaining members. One is a woman in the UK. The other is a very old man.” Though his location was unknown, which was why I preferred saving him for last. It could take months to hunt him down.

“So you’re not worried about this guy?” she asked and then added in her mind, You’re really running off when someone is watching me?

“Yes.” As Jeni had already pointed out, the young man saved her life. So while he might want her for some purpose, there were much bigger threats in this world. Me, for example. I saw no value in Seers anymore, with the exception of Ariadna because she was mine—the product of my love for Mia. I would give anything to undo my choices. Because of them, she’d been denied her human life before it began.

But I was a cold man with a hard, practical heart. I was in no position to wish for such things, and I could not bring her back from the dead. Not now. Not when I’d learned the consequences of fucking with these witches. But if I could, I would. The rest of the Seers can disappear forever, for all I care.

“Jesus, you’re mean.” Jeni shook her head of long brown locks.

I sensed her hatred growing for me. Excellent. Would make accepting my departure easier on her. It was only a question of time before I discovered the means to break the bond between her and my soul. She knew this, yet she still hoped I would remain here. For her.

Ludicrous. The only other thing I could offer Jeni in addition to my honesty was my wealth. Compensation for the damage Ten Club had done to her life.

“I don’t want your money, dick,” Jeni said, reading my thoughts.

“That is your choice.” But it is all you will get from me. That and a room for tonight. “I will have a key left at the front desk. Goodbye, Seer. And good luck.”

I exited the vehicle and headed for the hotel lobby.

Jeni! My name is Jeni, asshole! she screamed silently.

I smiled. Her feistiness never ceased to amuse me. I would miss it.



I couldn’t believe King was about to run off to the UK, leaving me behind while some man was out there watching me.

Then again, maybe it was for the best. Sooner or later, I’d have to learn to defend myself. Me and my baby. I already felt her light growing stronger, which would make her impossible to hide from King. Not that I knew what he would do if he found out.

Probably give me one of those stone-cold stares and shrug his broad shoulders. Maybe he’d throw more money at me. King liked doing that. Made him feel all powerful and mighty.

He’d already given me some cash because I’d lost my job after he showed up at the port, demanding I help him figure out who he was. He’d had no memory.

All in the past now, but I’d had the mortgage due at the time, and I wasn’t going to leave my dad homeless.

Now Dad was back to work, and we had a little money socked away, so I didn’t need King’s charity.

As for King’s “kingdom,” which he’d offered up, I wouldn’t touch it with a thousand-mile pole. It was tainted by blood, probably cursed and haunted, too.

A shiver rolled through me, thinking about being in his house in San Francisco. I’d been there a few times before he sold it recently. There’d been so many souls trapped inside that the ground sucked the warmth from my body. Everything tied to that old Victorian was hungry for light and warmth.
