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“I need more sleep,” I said breathlessly.

“You and I both. You're more than welcome to sleep here, if you want,” Everett said.

“No offense, but that’s sort of what got us into this mess in the first place.”

“True. If we fall asleep together again, we might wake up pregnant.”

“Don’t you dare make a joke like that. This isn’t funny. Oh, shit. Wait a second. Did we use protection last night?”

I watched Everett’s face fall before I rushed over and gathered up my things. I rummaged around for my room key before I rushed out of his room. I looked both ways before slamming my key into my room, then I shoved myself in and tripped over my own two feet.

I felt something strong wrap around my waist before I fell to the floor.

“Gotcha,” Everett said.

“What in the… world are you doing in my room?” I asked.

I pulled away from him and stood up as I grabbed my purse.

“I don’t remember using protection last night, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t,” he said.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not on birth control of any sort. So, my first stop is to a drug store.”

“Then I’m coming with you.”

“No! You can’t come with me. What if someone sees us?”

“I’ll sit in the car while you do your thing. But you're not going and getting anything alone.”

“Everett, while I appreciate the chivalry, now isn’t the time.”

“I’m coming with you,” he said.

I rolled my eyes as I quickly slipped on a pair of flip flops. I grabbed a hair tie and threw my hair up into a bun as the two of us charged out of my room. Plan B. I needed to get to the drug store and get Plan B. Hell, I needed two Plan B’s. There was no way on God’s green earth I was walking away from Vegas both married and pregnant.

Nope. Not happening.

We slammed our way into the elevator and hit the button for the garage. And the second the doors opened, Everett and I made a beeline for a car that was pulling up to us. It rolled around and the door stopped right at me, then he reached forward and opened the car door for me.

“Do you and your brothers do anything normally?” I asked.

“No. Get in,” he said.

I slid across the buttery leather seats and almost groaned as I leaned back into them. Everett told the driver to get us to the nearest pharmacy, then we were off. I closed my eyes and tried to block out everything. The way my mind swirled. The conflicting feelings I had ebbing in my gut. The heat of Everett’s body next to mine. I felt him try to wrap his hand around mine, but I pulled it away.

The last thing I wanted was him touching me.

The second the car stopped, I pushed my way out onto the sidewalk. I rushed into the pharmacy and headed all the way back, then tapped the bell on the desk until someone came to tend to me. The look of panic on my face must have said it all, because before I said anything the pharmaceutical attendant reached for a Plan B package and slid it my way.

“Would you like some water as well? The bottles are right behind you,” she said.

I thanked her profusely and lunged for the drink encasement. I ripped a bottle out and tossed it to her, then she rung me up as quickly as she could. I opened my purse and slid her my card before I ripped the package open, then I took the first pill as designated before setting an alarm on my phone for the other one.

“Would you like your receipt?” the woman asked.

I chugged the rest of my water, feeling my head clear for the first time that morning. I panted as I removed the bottle from my lips, then shook my head. I didn’t want any other proof of this day. I didn’t want any other proof of this fucking trip. I handed her the empty water bottle before I wiped my hand across my mouth. I could only imagine how crazy I looked. How desperate I seemed. But I didn’t care. None of it mattered. This trip had officially turned into the worst possible thing that could have ever happened to me, and inside I was panicking. Scared. I wanted to curl up into a little ball and cry myself back to sleep.

But I couldn’t.
