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“Hunt!” Another cry from upstairs.

Hunt gave Peters a shove to his shoulder. “Go. Get the doctor.”

Then he hurried back upstairs. Marguerite was just leaving the bedchamber, holding some wet clothing. “How is she?”

“Frightened, my lord. She’s never done this before.”

“Me, either,” he mumbled as he passed the maid and entered the room.

“I’ve sent for Dr. Reading, my love.” He sat alongside her on the bed and held her hand. “He will be here shortly.”

She nodded, then gripped his hands as her face twisted in pain. Blasted hell, he wanted to be anywhere but here. He hated watching his wife suffer and not able to do anything about it.

The next two hours passed with Diana alternating between squeezing his hand and panting and chattering non-stop about the baby and where the hell was Dr. Reading?

The same question he had. He tried twice to go back downstairs and pummel someone into hurrying up, but Diana would not let him leave.

Finally, they heard the sound of footsteps and the gruff voice of Dr. Reading. He entered the room right behind Marguerite. “Ah, here is our patient. I knew it was growing close to your time.” He turned to Marguerite. “My assistant is right behind me in another carriage with the necessary supplies. Can you have a footman assist her?”

“Yes, Doctor.”

Dr. Reading waved Hunt off. “Young man, it appears you’ve already done your work, now it’s time for your wife to take over and bring this bundle of joy into the world.”

Hunt hated how relieved he was to be dismissed. He should be strong and stay here with Diana, but he was in dire need of a brandy. Especially since her whimpers had turned into downright screams in the past half-hour. Mostly at him.

“I will be downstairs, Doctor, if you need me for anything.”

The doctor nodded and turned his attention to Diana.

Hunt never left a room so fast in his life. He sure as hell didn’t mind doing his part at the beginning of this blessed event, but the end result was best left to women and doctors.

Nine hours later, he was still pacing the library. He’d waved off luncheon and had only a bite of dinner before sending it back to the kitchen. There were a great deal of cuss words coming from his innocent and well-bred wife. Where she’d even heard some of them was questionable. More than a few were in Italian, but he didn’t have to speak the language to know she wasn’t praising him.

God, as annoying as his brothers could be, he wished they were here with him. He no sooner got the thought composed in his head when the library door opened, and the two miscreants entered.

“We couldn’t let you do this alone. Once we were sure the club was set to go tonight, we left Keniel in charge.”


“The new manager. From Jamaica. His name is Keniel Singh. Pleasant chap, but there’s something familiar about him, although he says he’s never been to England before.”

The three took turns pacing, assuring each other all was well, and grimacing each time Diana spewed a curse aimed at her husband. His two brothers looked at him with sympathy.

“Do you think she will ever let you near her bed again?” Dante asked with apparent sincerity.

“I’m not sure I ever want her in my bed again.” Hunt ran his fingers through his hair. “This is brutal.”

Unexpectedly, another scream erupted from the room upstairs, but this one sounded very much like a very small human. A not very happy human.

“The babe?” Hunt said, a slight grin on his face.

Marguerite came bounding down the stairs and hustled into the library. “My lord, come quickly.”

Hunt’s heart dropped to his stomach. “Is Diana all right?”

“Yes, yes, she’s fine. Come and see your daughter.”

Hunt turned to his brothers, knowing the silly grin on his face would be brought up many times over the years. “I have a daughter.”
