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“May I entice you to join me for a light luncheon, Miss Danvers?” They had just nodded to the vicar and stepped out into the sunshine. Lottie was so torn. She really liked Mr. Westbrooke, but there was nowhere this friendship could go. Encouraging him was not fair.

“I don’t think that is a good idea.” Her half-hearted response did not seem to discourage him.

He leaned in, close to her ear. “What if I promise not to kiss you again?” He stepped back and regarded her with raised eyebrows.

Blast! There went the heat from her middle again. Except this time, it wasn’t only embarrassment, but more a sense of awareness of Mr. Westbrooke; a memory of his kiss and how much she’d enjoyed it. Along with the heat was a distinct, unfamiliar tingle in her breasts and the area between her legs. Places to which she’d never given much thought.

She raised her chin. “I hardly remember that kiss at all.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she wanted to bring them back. Especially when he grinned, knowing full well the kiss was emblazoned on her mind.

Although she was a novice at such things no doubt Mr. Westbrooke had kissed many women and knew when the lady had been affected by his kiss.

And she definitely had been.

“Oh, very well. I will accept your invitation.” She cringed at how impolite that sounded. She continued to do things around this man that would appall her students. When she wasn’t tripping over everything. The man definitely had the ability to rattle her.

He bowed. “Thank you.” He extended his arm. “My carriage is around the corner.

They strolled along, with Mr. Westbrooke making small talk. Lottie was usually very good at it, but not now, as she was still uncomfortable about their last parting. But Mr. Westbrooke acted as if nothing was wrong with the fact that she only nodded at all his comments.

He seemed to also forget, or pretend to forget, her unladylike departure when he brought her home after the dance the night before. She was torn between frustration that he wouldn’t give up on her and admiration for his tenaciousness.

“Where is your friend, Lady Pamela?”

“She generally attends church with me, but once in a while she ignores her alarm clock and misses the service.” She grinned. “I would say this is one of those days.”

He’d directed his driver to bring them to a small restaurant on Milsom Place, one of Lottie’s favorite areas in Bath to take an afternoon stroll with all the shops and eateries there.

“I hope this meets with your approval?” He held his hand out as she stepped from the carriage.

“Yes. I love this restaurant but have only eaten here once or twice.”

She didn’t add it was too expensive for her purse and had to save several weeks to be able to join her two friends there.

He opened the door to the restaurant to allow her to enter. “It is one of my favorites as well.”

He apparently had eaten there several times since he was well-known among the staff. They were led to a lovely table near the front windows which allowed a good amount of light since the day had turned cloudy.

The room only held about a dozen tables, and most of them were full. Wonderful scents came from the kitchen each time a server entered or left the dining room to fetch food.

“What looks good to you?” Mr. Westbrook asked as Lottie perused the menu.

“Everything,” she said and grinned. “I am quite hungry.”

“Then I am particularly happy that I invited you to join me for luncheon.” He returned his attention to the menu, both of them remaining silent as they read over the choices.

“Have you decided yet?” The waiter stood at their table, his pad and pencil at the ready.

“Miss Danvers?” Mr. Westbrooke asked.

She hadn’t been exaggerating when she said everything looked good and that she was quite hungry. However, making a glutton of herself was not well done. “I believe I will have the roasted beef.”

“Ah. A very good choice,” the waiter said as he noted her selection. “And for you sir?”

“I believe the lady has made a good selection, and I will have the same.” Mr. Westbrooke closed his menu and handed it over to the waiter who made a slight bow and left them.

Carter studied Lottie as the waiter took his leave and returned to the kitchen to fetch their food. Given the abrupt way they’d parted the night before, he’d been pleasantly surprised to find her in church. And even more pleased to find she didn’t hit him over the head with the hymnal.

Although he found her behavior confusing, he continued to believe she had something in her past—something to do with nobility—that kept her on edge. Sometimes she was completely relaxed and other times he could almost see the tension start and the fear in her eyes.
