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After about a mile, Carter turned them and they headed back to his house. Actually, her house now, as well. The closer they grew to the dwelling, the more her stomach knotted.

“Relax, sweetheart. I am not going to drag you right to bed.”

/> The minute Carter turned them toward home, he felt Lottie tense. The relaxed conversation they’d been enjoying came to an end and she seemed to have nothing further to say, even though she’d been quite chatty up until then.

“I’d like to share with you how I prefer to end my days.” He pulled her closer, away from a man walking his very unfriendly looking dog.

“Yes. I would like to know that. It feels so odd to me not to be returning to my own flat.”

Deciding to keep her talking as the best way to relax her, Carter asked, “And what sort of routine do you follow in the evenings?”

“Generally, I change out of my day clothes and get comfortable in my very warm and cozy robe. I like to have a glass of heated milk and then I read until my eyes turn bleary.”

“Indeed? Very similar to my routine. Except it’s not warm milk, but a small glass of smooth brandy. But I also read until I cannot see anymore.”


“Some. But I’ve also been known to read a novel or two.”

Perhaps speaking about their nightly routines was the best way to relax his skittish wife, but for him it only reminded him of how his nightly routine was about to change, starting tonight. That thought brought excitement and a need to move a bit faster, but he kept his eagerness in check so as not to send his wife running in the opposite direction.

Once they arrived home, his butler, Milton, helped them out of their coats and hats. Carter had introduced Lottie to his meager staff. He only employed a housekeeper, butler, and cook. The housekeeper, Mrs. Davis, took care of the daily cleaning up and had a girl from town come in once a week to give the place a thorough cleaning and change the bed linens.

“It just occurred to me, Lottie. You might want to add staff. I only have the housekeeper, cook, and butler whom you’ve already met. Do you have a lady’s maid?”

“Goodness, no. I made do by myself while I was employed at the school, and with my meager wages, there was no money for a lady’s maid. Besides, most women no longer have lady’s maids since clothing is somewhat easier to get into and out of.”

She should not have mentioned getting out of her clothing. Blood raced to his groin area, causing him to adjust his trousers so as not to alarm his wife.

“Let us retire to the drawing room. Maybe open a bottle of wine to celebrate our wedding?”

Lottie agreed so eagerly he figured she saw that as a way to avoid the bedroom, or maybe even to drink enough to forget what she was doing. That he would not allow. Bedding a drunk woman was worse than not bedding one at all.

However, a little bit tipsy to relax her was a great idea. He sent Milton to the wine cellar and he and Lottie settled on the comfortable sofa in front of the fireplace. Normally he wouldn’t have a fire going this far into the spring, but since Lottie shivered every once in a while, it was probably a good idea.

“I know I mentioned this before, but if you want to redecorate, please feel free to do so. Just pick out what you want and have the bills sent to me.”

Lottie laughed as she took a sip of her wine. “I am afraid you may one day regret telling me to get what I want and have the bills sent to you. Remember I grew up in a school and the idea of a cozy home with things to my liking is quite tempting.”

Carter took the glass from her hand and placed it on the table in front of them. He turned her toward him and tucked a loose curl behind her ear. “I can afford whatever it is you want. Make this home to your liking. You can do the same at our London townhouse.”

“You are too generous.”

“No. What good is money if one cannot do pleasurable things for the people they love? I love you, Lottie, and I want you to be happy.”

He hoped she would say the words back to him, but she apparently was not ready. However, he had no doubt he would hear them one day.

After the wine bottle had been emptied, and they were both relaxed and laughing at some silly thing that Grayson had said at the wedding breakfast, Carter took Lottie’s hand in his. “Let us retire to the bedroom and get more comfortable.”

Expecting to see Lottie resist, he was pleasantly surprised when she took his hand and stood. “Yes. I think that is a good idea.”

He cupped her cheeks and slowly lowered his mouth to hers. “I want you very much, Mrs. Westbrooke.” His lips met hers and he took her mouth in a possessive kiss. She was his, to love, care for and protect. He would give his life to keep her from harm and do anything to make her happy.

Carter scooped her into his arms and made for the staircase. Lottie pulled back and grinned at him. “You cannot think to carry me upstairs!”

“What? You think I’m not able to carry my wife up a few steps?” He gave her a quick kiss. “You underestimate me, sweetheart.”

He raced up the stairs; both of them doubled over with laughter by the time he had made it to the bedroom, kicked the door shut, and tossed her onto the bed.
