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“Is th-that why the women fr-from that room in m-my boarding house were dis-disappearing?” Pamela’s face grew red, either from embarrassment or anger.

Marcus directed his words to Pamela. “Nick told me about your boarding house, and I believe it is one of the places we’ve been investigating. Even though it is my job to get the bill through parliament, I became quite interested in the problem and did quite a bit of probing myself.”

Pamela sat back, her eyes wide. “Th-then it wasn’t m-m-my imagination? Mrs. O’Leary r-really was luring young w-women to the house f-f-for the purpose of s-s-selling them?”

Marcus nodded. “Yes. And I believe, along with Nick, that the attempt to run you down in the road was the action of those involved trying to shut you up.”

The rest of the meal passed in pleasant discussion, which Mrs. Fletcher introduced by asking Marcus about various events and places of interest in London. Nick was grateful for the turn in conversation because Pamela seemed to relax after being so upset with the talk of kidnapping.

They all retired to the drawing room where Marcus only stayed for about another half hour before rising. “I will be in touch, Nick. There are several places on my list that we can visit together and see what we can find out.” He paused for a minute. “Bring a gun if you have one.”

Nick walked him to the door and stuck out his hand. “Thank you for coming tonight and for your help. Lady Pamela is very upset about her friend.”

“Yes. I noticed.” He grinned. “It appears you have a special interest in helping the young lady. I wish you the best with that. Lady Pamela is a lovely woman. But I will do anything I can to help, also. I feel so helpless when I beg for votes for my bill and am blocked by those who don’t wish for things to change. At least if I can help one young girl, and possibly turn the information over to the police in the process, it will help me sleep better at night.”

If Marcus Mallory was indeed the rake he’d been labeled, he certainly had a soft side to him rarely found in men with that moniker.

Once Marcus left, Nick returned to the drawing room, taking the chair across from Pamela. Mrs. Fletcher stood and stifled a yawn. “I believe I will seek my bed. It’s been a long day with the travel and company for dinner.” She looked over at Pamela. “You should retire as well, my lady. You are still recovering from your injuries.” She gave Nick a purposeful glance.

“Pamela will be right up. I have a few things to discuss with her.”

Mrs. Fletcher hesitated, but finally bowed her head. “Very well. Good night, then.”

Pamela eyed Nick carefully. She didn’t care for the look in his eyes. On the other hand, her body seemed to care a great deal since a tingling began in her middle and soon became a warm flush on her face.

Nick lowered his voice and crooked his finger at her. “Come here.”

Her heart immediately sped up. His voice and the look in his eyes brought tingles to various parts of her body. She should say no. She should leave the room. She should shout for Mrs. Fletcher. But instead she walked, as if in a dream, to where he sat. He reached out and grasped her good hand and pulled her forward. She tumbled onto his lap.

“Th-this is m-most improper.” She fumbled to straighten her skirts which were wrapped around her legs.

“Mrs. Fletcher isn’t far, and if you are really concerned you may call her at any time.” His slight smile turned into a grin when she didn’t respond. And didn’t stand up. And didn’t call for Mrs. Fletcher.

He resettled her body, so she faced him. Slowly, as if to give her time to stop him, he cupped her chin and lowered his head. A slight brush of his lips on hers brought a slight moan from deep within her chest. That seemed to embolden him to tilt her head and take the kiss deeper.

He nudged her lips with his tongue, and she opened. He tasted of brandy and something minty. He pulled away and scattered kisses over her cheeks, forehead, nose, and jaw. “I want you Pamela.”

“Mrs. F-F-Fletcher.”

He continued the assault on her skin. “Are you reminding me of her, or trying to call for help?”

“N-n-no.” She wasn’t sure why she mentioned the woman. All rational thought left her as Nick continued to kiss her, nibble on her ear lobe and breathe words of desire in her ear.

She leaned her head to one side to allow him to continue kissing her neck. Were she in her normal mind, she would have felt him fumbling with the back of her gown, but that didn’t occur to her until the front of her gown dropped below her stays. One little move and the entire front would land in her lap.

“Beautiful.” Nick stared at her, then ran his hand over the swells above her stays. “So beautiful.” He leaned forward and kissed her there, the warmth from his mouth causing goose flesh to rise. Pamela wrapped her hand around his head and pulled him closer.

“Oh, yes, my love.” He quickly untied the ribbon on her chemise and released her breasts from the stays. His tongue swirled around her nipple which grew hard and taut.

Pamela was growing warm and wet in the area between her legs. She felt the need to push that part of her body against something hard. Almost as if Nick had read her mind, his hand slid up her calf, under her gown. He massaged and caressed her skin until he reached the area that throbbed for some sort of release.

She sucked in a breath then closed her eyes as his thumb circled a part of her that ached. “Y-yes. Y-yes.”

He brought his mouth back up to her face and stared in her eyes. “Relax, my sweet and let me pleasure you.”

She wasn’t sure what he meant, all she knew was whatever it was he was doing, to whatever part of her body she had been unaware of until now, she never wanted him to stop.

The feel of his fingers working her flesh made her even wetter. She had no idea what was happening to her, but it felt wonderful and she didn’t want it to end. In fact, she wanted something more that she wasn’t aware of.
