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Taking another look around, he hoisted himself up by one of the lower branches and began his climb. Now that Jeremy was on the job, Hunter could do what he’d wanted from the day he’d first saw Emily walk out of the mansion. Take her away from Galveston. He could escort her to Guthrie to stay with Tori and Uncle Jesse where she would be safe while he worked on getting Louis charged with murder. The way things stood now he would not be able to concentrate until he knew Emily was far from Louis’s clutches.

He scaled the branch next to the window, going out as far as his weight held. Cupping his hands, he peered through the glass. The space was indeed a storage room of some sort. He slowly slid the window up, grateful that it made very little noise. He tossed the rope into the room and climbed in after it.

He stood still and listened for a few minutes to make sure nothing stirred. Trying to snatch Emily from the house while Louis was still awake was risky. From what he’d learned the last few nights, Louis spent a few hours in the library each evening before the light in his bedroom went on. Whether he was drinking all that time or dozing after a few drinks, Hunter had no idea, but he needed as much time as possible to get her out of town before the household came alive.

When nothing stirred after his entry, he took a deep breath and made his way across the room. He skirted past shadowy figures that daylight would most likely reveal as cast-off furniture. The door to the room creaked as he opened it, but silence reigned as he eased out and started down the hall. Counting in his head, he reached what he knew had to be Emily’s bedroom door.

The doorknob turned easily and he slipped into the room. In the dimness he could make out Emily’s figure curled on her side, facing away from him. He needed to approach without causing her to make any noise. Tiptoeing closer he reached out and covered her mouth with his hand.

Emily’s eyes flew open at the sound of her door latch releasing. She lay very still, once again hoping Louis would think her sleeping and go away. Since she heard no further sound, she thought he had left when a hand clamped over her mouth. Blood raced to her heart, setting it to pounding. She wiggled, trying to get away from him when he leaned over and whispered into her ear, “Emily. It’s Hunter. Lie still.”


He moved his hand and she rolled over. “What are you doing here?”

“Getting you the hell out.” He looked around. “Where is your suitcase?”

She threw the covers off and swung her legs over the side. “Over there in the closet.” She pointed toward the closed door. He strode across the room and flung the door open, dragging the suitcase out. He glanced over his shoulder. “Honey, you have to get dressed. You can’t go like that.”

“Oh.” She glanced down at herself and felt the heat rise to her face. She stood in her bedroom in her nightgown with a man who wasn?

??t her husband. “I can’t get dressed with you in the room.”

“It’s all right, I’ll face the wall, but I need for you to get dressed, and fast. Louis is still awake downstairs.”

“Oh my God.” She hurried to her closet and withdrew a garment. Not sure how to undress and dress again with Hunter there, even with his back turned, she pulled the frock over her nightgown. She quickly buttoned up the front, then hopped on one foot as she slid her boots on. “I’m ready.”

Hunter picked up her suitcase with one hand and caught her arm with the other. “How easy is it to get down the back staircase? Is there anything blocking it?”

She shrugged. “No. It’s an easy way out.”

“Good. I’ll go first. The back stairway would be the safest, and be sure to hold onto my hand.”

“What about the rope?” She eyed it, lying on the floor like a dead snake.

“I wasn’t sure how we were going to get out, but if we can just walk out that’s much easier. We won’t need it.”

They left the room and strode to the rear of the house. Emily hung onto Hunter as he cautiously made his way down the stairs. Even though she’d been up and down these stairs several times, under duress and in the dark nothing looked familiar. They both breathed a sigh of relief once they opened the back door and stepped onto the porch.

“Come on, I have an automobile parked a block away.” Hand in hand they moved away from the door and rounded the corner of the house. They’d taken no more than a few steps when the sound of a gun being cocked brought them up short.

“Good evening, Mrs. Smith. Are we going for a late night stroll?” Martin stood, feet apart, a gun pointed directly at them.

Emily squealed and backed up, banging into Hunter’s chest. “Why are you pointing that gun at me, Martin?”

Hunter shoved her behind him. The scant moonlight threw Martin’s face into shadows, the outline of his body against the ground behind him huge. She peeked around Hunter and moved her hand to her chest, trying to calm her rapid heartbeat.

He grinned. “A better question is why you are running around the outside of the house in the dark with a strange man. Are you being kidnapped?”

She shook her head. “No.” She eased out from behind Hunter and reached her hand out in appeal. “You must let us go. Please.”

Martin shrugged. “Now since Mr. Smith is paying me to watch you, why would I do that? I would get fired.”

Hunter walked closer to the man, but stopped when the driver raised the gun higher. “Look, Martin. Mrs. Smith is in danger living here. You must know that. You drive them everywhere.”

“It’s none of my business what my employer does. Except give me a paycheck. My business is to drive her where she wants to go and watch her. I ain’t gonna lose my job.” He gestured with the gun. “Go on back, Mrs. Smith.”

“You wouldn’t shoot me.”
