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One of his hands closed around one of my wrists, but only briefly, and he didn’t keep me from my task. “That is dreadful and you should be embarrassed for yourself.”

“I refuse to be.” I got enough buttons opened and my hands in. His skin was rough and then smooth, manly, delightful.

Axel already had the top of my dress down and was sliding my bra off. He stared

my boobs right in the eyes the way you might an old and often unreliable friend. “Ah, these naughty girls.” He lightly slapped the side of my breast, then got a handful. His other hand was already wandering down. I got a leg around to drag him in closer, then something I was doing with my other leg tipped us too far sideways and we slid in a scrabbling bundle of limbs and disordered clothes to the floor.

I was on top now, the jiggling of my boobs slowly settling. If the weight of me coming down had hurt Axel, he wasn’t showing it. He was just smirking up at me as (nearly) unflappable as ever.

“If you wanted to be on top you could have just asked, Aileen.”

“I thought I made it pretty obvious, I’m not asking for anything right now. I’m just going to take what I want.”

“That’s fine with me.” He arched into me ripping his shirt off him. The damn thing didn’t even tear in the slightest with all my rough treatment. I was glad I’d taken the time to undo all those buttons, because I probably would have broken my hand trying to be suave otherwise. Axel got a hand under my skirt and yanked on my panties and they were just obliterated. That was the difference between where each of us was in life, right there.

Axel got his pants undone and pulled everything down, and slapped a still-wrapped condom in my hand like I was supposed to know what to do with that. I had a general idea but I was still so awkward I was fumbling, and having to stare at a penis in close quarters at enthusiastic full mast while its owner played with my nipples wasn’t making any of it easier. I tried just thinking of it as a random penis, completely unattached to the gorgeous guy who was grabbing and pinching and now fumbling between my legs in a way that made me squirm inside and out, but the thought of a completely free-floating penis just made me burst out laughing.

Axel wasn’t amused, but once I was done my hands all over him had clearly had the right effect, because instead of recriminations I got him grabbing me by the hips, adjusting for a second, and then piercing me in a hard upwards thrust.

I bit my lip and felt my entire body go tense, which was not helping me get the situation back on track. I was suddenly so nervous I could barely breathe, even though you’d sort of think this would be the time to stop being nervous.

Axel squeezed my hand in his own. “Aileen?”

I gulped down air and groped for my usual source of equilibrium. “Are you recording this, Axel?”

“What?” It was hard to tell when I was looking at him from such a strange angle, but I thought I saw a flash of hurt. “No, I wouldn’t—”

“You probably should have.” I got out a laugh even though breathing out was almost as bad as breathing in at the moment. “You should have. I bet it looks hot.”

I felt all the tension come out of him in a good way, and he got a hand back up under my skirt to slap my arse. “Little bitch. Okay, you’ve got control here, Aileen, so play it however you like. Fast, slow…”

I was starting out slow, but I felt myself wanting to speed up. “Stop trying to influence me with your ideas, Bennett.”

Another slap. “Well show me you don’t need my help.”

I started to ride him hard then, or at least the feeling of what was happening between us took over me and I wasn’t really thinking about what I was doing any more. It just seemed natural, necessary. I really wouldn’t have cared in that moment whether we were being watched by half or the whole world or aliens on Mars, all I knew was that it was right to be tangled up with him like this, making him sound like that and clutch at me.

I didn’t even know what to call whatever had hold of me, but it carried both of us along beautifully, until at the end of it we fell in a tangle back on the floor of Axel’s pretentious sitting room, next to his pretentious leather couch—excuse me, sofa—and Axel whispered something in my ear that had me so panicked there was only one thing in my mind.


“I don’t know how we managed to do that and not knock my tea on us. We clearly didn’t shake this room enough.”

Axel’s laugh was full-bodied, more childlike than I thought most of his activities had been for a while. I winced a little. “Here’s a deal for you, my lovely little brat. You keep on being your delightful smartarsed little self, and I’m going to give you the best of everything I can think of. And maybe I’ll even be able to make you forget everything but just what a great girl you are, and how every moment I’m around you I’m a little better.”

“That’s a deal I’m willing to shake on right away,” I said. And then I told myself to stop being a damn coward. “Okay, Axel, you marvellous piece of work, I love you a bit too.”

