Page 70 of Pride and Proposals

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Charles was smiling serenely at Jane; he had been shocked, but thrilled, at the news that his best friend was to marry his wife’s sister and had immediately commenced a search for houses near Pemberley. Apparently, Jane believed one could sometimes be “too close to family.”

As Elizabeth watched, a nursemaid entered the dining room and brought baby Anna to Jane. Dressed in a long white dress and a lace cap, Anna was simply adorable. Jane looked over at Elizabeth, smiling. Jane knew her sister wanted to hold the baby. She and Charles stood and brought their bundle to Elizabeth’s seat.

Elizabeth happily took her niece from Jane’s arms. “I knew you would want to see her before it was time for her nap. You might leave before she wakes up,” Jane said.

Elizabeth smiled down at the plump, happy baby and said directly to her, “I will miss you! You simply must move to Derbyshire!” Anna babbled and grabbed at one of Elizabeth’s curls.

Charles and William laughed. “You already have Jane on your side; you need not enlist my daughter as well!” Charles said.

Anna turned her gaze to William and smiled sunnily at him.

“I know this is your child,” Elizabeth observed to her sister and brother. “No one else could have such a gentle disposition. Even when she is tired, she smiles and coos.”

“I am sure your children will be much the same,” Jane said diplomatically.

Elizabeth glanced at her new husband over the bundle of baby and saw his eyes crinkle as he smiled. “No, I do not expect so.” Jane looked puzzled. “I believe any child of ours would be…passionate.”

“And full of opinions,” William added.

Charles clapped his friend on the shoulder. “Well, Darcy, fatherhood is wonderful. I wish you well. But you best prepare now. We had a devil of a time choosing a name. You should start considering your choices now!”

William’s face grew serious. “Perhaps we would have difficulty selecting a girl’s name, but I think we know what we would name a boy.”

Elizabeth looked at him in puzzlement. During their brief engagement, they had barely discussed raising children, let alone naming them. Then suddenly, she understood him quite clearly. She met his eyes, nodding her agreement.

Without speaking, they were in perfect accord. There was only one possible name for a boy—because the person who had brought them together was still with them in spirit.

Charles watched them curiously. “You would name him George after your father?” He asked.

“No.” William shook his head, smiling at his wife. “His name will be Richard.”

The End
