Page 52 of Darcy and Deception

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The prince regent had not forgotten that William and Elizabeth had saved his life. When he learned they would wed in Brighton, he had offered the use of his home for their wedding breakfast. Although it was an elegant building, they had been unsure about whether to accept the offer. However, when they learned that the prince would be in London and unable to attend the event, they accepted the offer with alacrity. Elizabeth’s mother had been speechless with happiness at this news; even Miss Bingley had deigned to be impressed.

“Was there news from London?” Elizabeth asked the colonel. He had been awaiting word of the verdict in the trial of Mrs. Forster, Mr. Harrison, and Mr. Wickham, which had taken place the day before.

He gave her a satisfied smile. “Yes. They were all found guilty. Although they have not yet received sentences, I am sure they will be transported at the very least.”

“That would be best for Colonel Forster,” Elizabeth said, glancing at the man, who was flirting rather outrageously with a few female wedding guests. He had initiated divorce proceedings and apparently was already seeking a new wife.

Colonel Fitzwilliam frowned. “Yes. The colonel is fortunate he was not cashiered from the militia, but he explained that their families arranged the marriage and he spent little time with his wife. The investigation cleared him of any complicity.”

Elizabeth noticed the man smile at a young woman. “I hope he plans to spend more time with the future Mrs. Forster.”


William was surveying the milling crowd of guests. “Richard, could I prevail upon you to gather up the wedding guests and encourage them to walk in the direction of the Pavilion? I would imagine your leadership skills are up to the challenge.”

His cousin gave a mock grimace. “Civilians are so troublesome to command.”

“You may promise them good food and even better company,” Elizabeth said teasingly.

“Now there are incentives the army never offers,” Richard said. “Very well, I will encourage everyone to move in a purposeful direction.” He gave William a mocking salute and a wink before marching toward the revelers.

We should join them, Elizabeth thought, but her gaze was caught by the view of the sea—sparkling waters and deep blue sky. A light breeze played with her hair, and the sun warmed her skin. William did not seem to be in a hurry either. Both arms around her waist, he pulled her against his body and kissed the sensitive skin below her ear.

Her face grew warm. “We are in public!” she whispered, trying and failing to sound scandalized by his actions.

He chuckled. “Everyone here knows how I feel about you, dearest.” Indeed, none of the guests paid any attention as they began to drift toward the town—and the breakfas

t. “What would you say to a house by the sea? We could purchase one for the next summer,” he murmured in her ear.

“That would be lovely! But perhaps not at Brighton. Perhaps a more isolated location.”

“My thoughts precisely.”

Elizabeth vibrated with excitement. “We could sail a boat, and I could teach the children to swim—both the boys and the girls.”

William sucked in a breath. “How many children do you believe we will have?”

“Well, Mama had five…” Elizabeth shrugged.

“Five! I had not thought of so many.”

She patted his hand where it rested on her waist. “They do not arrive all at once, my dear.”

They watched the sparkling water for a long moment, then Elizabeth cleared her throat. “Richard asked me if I would be interested in working for the Home Office. Apparently, they have decided to recruit some female agents.”

All of William’s muscles stiffened. “How did you reply?”

“I told him it was an excellent idea, but I have no further interest in espionage. Recent events provided quite enough excitement for one lifetime.” She could feel her new husband sag with relief. “I did, however, recommend that he ask Mary if she would be interested.”

“Mary? Your sister?”

“Indeed. She is intelligent and good at keeping secrets.”

His hands tightened around her waist. “She might make a good spy, but it cannot please your mother. She will meet few eligible men that way.”

Elizabeth laughed.

After a moment, he released her waist and grabbed her hand. “Come, we should not be late to our own wedding breakfast.”
