Page 80 of President Darcy

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Will rolled his eyes but gave his sister a fond smile. “Have I mentioned that there’s a reason Georgie doesn’t speak to the press? She was born without a filter. It’s a genetic condition. So sad. The doctors can’t do anything for her.”

Georgiana stuck out her tongue at Will. “You may be president, but you’re still a jerk.”

“Hey! That’s what I said,” Elizabeth chuckled.

She gave Elizabeth an arch look. “I think you and I will get along very well.”

Before Elizabeth could respond, Georgiana held out her hands imploringly. “That is, if I haven’t blown it all with the way I barged in like that. I got here early, and I thought I would surprise Will and…well, he’s usually alone. So I didn’t think—we have this thing, you know, from when I was little where I’d jump on the bed and yell ‘Cowabunga!’ Not that I do it anymore.”

Will cleared his throat meaningfully.

“Not much anymore. And I thought it would be a funny way to wake him up. But the Secret Service didn’t tell me that you weren’t alone.” She frowned at Will. “Why didn’t they warn me you have company? Anyway, that’s how I ended up sneaking into your room and jumping on you. I’m sorry, Elizabeth, I’m not usually this flaky. Although it’s true that I frequently talk too much.” She stopped to catch her breath.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Georgiana.” Elizabeth gave Will a sidelong glance. “Maybe I should return to my room before the others wake up.” He nodded reluctantly.

“Oh, is it a secret? No wonder the Secret Service didn’t warn me. Ha! The Secret Service isn’t in on the secret!” Georgiana giggled at her own joke. “I won’t say anything, I promise! Not even to Bethany, who is my best friend. We’re both on crew together. Oh Will, did you see the video I sent you of the last regatta? Wasn’t it epic?

“Very epic,” Will said with a smile. “Georgie, why don’t you get settled in your room, and I’ll see you at breakfast.”

Georgiana backed toward the door. “Yeah…I’ll do that…right now…I’m so, so sorry…”

Will rubbed his face with his hands. “Just go.”

“But I want Elizabeth to know that I’m really, really sorry…” Will threw a pillow at her. She fled, closing the door behind her.

Elizabeth and Will exchanged glances before bursting into laughter. “I suppose that gets the morning-after awkwardness out of the way,” Elizabeth said.

“I’m sorry about Georgie,” he said with a rueful grin.

Elizabeth waved away the apology. “Georgiana is endearing, and she brought out a different side of you.”

“I’m glad you’re not angry.” He touched his fingers lightly to her cheek. He held her gaze for several long moments until Will lowered his eyes to the bed. “Um…we didn’t…” He cleared his throat. “Last night, we didn’t have much of a chance to talk about this—” He gestured to the space between the two of them.

“We didn’t have much of a chance to talk about anything last night,” Elizabeth observed.

“Is that a complaint Ms. Bennet?” he teased.

“Not at all.” She gave him a quick kiss.

He sighed. “Oh God, Elizabeth, you’ll make me lose my train of thought.” He swallowed hard. “I want to figure this out…establish parameters.”

“Parameters,” she echoed. What a clinical word for a relationship. Was it a relationship? She had assumed…but maybe he just wanted the one night, which would probably be for the best… “What kind?”

“I would like it to be a real relationship. I want to date you, Elizabeth.”

She sucked in her breath. He didn’t deal in small change. “Are you sure? It could be complicated.”

He scowled. “Screw complicated. I don’t have much in my life that’s for me and me alone. I want to grab it with both hands.” He watched her with shining eyes.

Oh. Of course, a real relationship with the president was impossible, but maybe knowing it was doomed would keep it from hurting so much when it ended. It was a theory—or at least an excuse. In any case, she no longer had the willpower to resist him.

His shoulders tightened, and the tendons stood out from his neck as she remained silent. He lowered his head. “If you don’t want to deal with the complications, I could hardly blame you. We might conceal a relationship for a while, but eventually the media will know, and your life will become a zoo.”

She was unable to shake the sensation of preparing to jump into icy water from a great height. “I know…I’ve thought about that…but I’ve tried not dating you”—she swallowed hard—“and I’ve found I don’t enjoy it …I think it’s time to give the other option a try.”

Will’s face lit up like a boy watching fireworks as he stretched out his arms and gathered her to his chest. “Are you sure you want to attempt a relationship with me? It’s not going to be easy.”

She snuggled closer, enjoying the firm hold. At that moment her body was so light and weightless it seemed like it could float off the bed. “I don’t want easy. I want you.”
