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“We do, and I know how to warm us up.” Dante wiggled his brows.

She giggled. “Hmm, I bet you do.”

“Tut, tut. I’m not sure what you were thinking,” he grinned, “but my idea was a hot chocolate with whipped cream from Starbucks.”

Standing, Emelia held her hand out to him. “I wouldn’t mind one of those, if I’m honest…even though it wasn’t what you really meant.” She smirked.

They huddled together and headed for the Starbucks across the road, when she asked, “When did you have time to get me the ring?”

Dante smiled and took her hand, rubbing his thumb over her ring. “I saw it in Denver…I was nervous about my meeting with the bishop, and arrived early, so I took a walk. I didn’t intend to purchase us rings, it just happened. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was meant for you.”

The flutters in her belly made her smile. “I can’t believe you bought me a ring before you’d even talked to the bishop. What if he’d made you change your mind?”

He shook his head, and smiled softly. “That wouldn’t have happened, Em. I was determined to be with you and I wasn’t prepared to let anything stand in our way any longer.”

“Good.” She caressed his jaw. “No matter where our journey takes us, we’ll always be together…and, that’s what matters.”

Dante sighed, tears on his lashes. “Always, Em.”

Starbucks was warm and not as crowded as Emelia had expected, considering it was just around the corner from the hospital. It was nice though, and it meant she could snuggle up with Dante on one of the sofas by the window when he returned with their hot chocolates.

She was excited to share their commitment with their family, as she held her hand in front of her face to admire her ring. Her heart felt so full at the moment as thoughts of Dante and their rings filled her mind. The only sadness in this moment was the worry over how Mateo was doing. She loved him, and worried that the accident hadn’t just crushed his knee, but his spirit. Mateo had loved to tease her and, although she used to find it annoying, she wished with all her heart that he would start again.

His accident had frightened them all, but being in Dallas where they could easily have access to him had settled some of them down. Kasey had been a pain when he’d arrived, but through all his anger was his heartbreak for their brother.

“You’re deep in thought, Em.” Dante observed, setting the drinks on the table in front of them.

“I was just thinking about Mateo, and hoping that he soon picked up. It worries me that he was so quiet. He tried to hide his sadness when we were in the room, but I caught it.”

Dante wrapped an arm around her. “He has us all around him, Em. We’ll keep him going and be there when he needs us. He knows this.”

“Hmm…and what about that wicked witch? I overheard her talking to a nurse about his homecare. I’m telling you now that there is no way on this earth that I’m going to let him go home with her while he recovers. He needs us.” She sniffed into a Kleenex that Dante passed her after the heated words.

“We have to respect his wishes, regardless of what we want.” Dante kissed her forehead before he leaned forward and passed her the hot chocolate. “Drink some of this.”

She sighed. “Hmm, it smells good.”

“Of course it does. Hot chocolate with whipped cream is the best.” He smiled, and her world righted itself.

“So this is where you two disappeared.” Kasey dropped into the chair opposite, and Diego leaned over, kissed her on the top of her head before he sat beside Kasey.

“We went into the park first,” she smiled at Dante before she continued, “and then in here to warm up. I’ll probably end up with a bad cold at this rate. Everywhere is so warm inside, and then stepping outside is freezing.”

“Thought I was going to pass out in that hotel, though. That was bad,” Kasey grumbled. “I’ll go and get so

me drinks. Anyone?” he offered.

Diego gave him his order and got comfortable in his chair. Or at least he did until he suddenly sat forward and grabbed her hand. “You’re married!” He looked into her eyes, anger clear in his.

She shook her head. “Not yet.” She reached out and gripped his hand. “I’d never get married without you there, Diego, or the others. Neither of us would.”

He visibly sighed with relief. “Then…I don’t understand. That’s a wedding band,” he glanced at Dante’s hand, “and so is that.”

“What’s going on?” Kasey glanced between them, setting his and Diego’s drinks on the table before he took his seat again.

“We exchanged rings of commitment.” She glanced at the man she loved, and smiled before facing their brothers again. “We can get married if we wanted to in a civil ceremony, but not in a Catholic Church, at least not yet.” Both Kasey and Diego glanced at Dante. “You know that Dante has spent most of his life in the Catholic Church in one capacity or another. We won’t be married until he’s ready, but, for now, we’ll wear our rings of commitment.”

Diego shook his head. “I hear you, but you deserve to be married, Sis.”

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