Page 7 of One Dance

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“This is the only blank spot for the camera. I can’t be seen with a guest,” Maverick whispered into her ear, sending shards of pleasure straight to her core.

Her panties melted when he wrapped one of his arms around her waist and hauled her against his body. With his other, he reached up and used his hand to cup the back of her neck, his thumb caressed the line of her jaw.


heir eyes met and held.

“What’s happening,” Emma moaned, and turned her face into his palm. She placed a tender kiss there and felt him shudder against her.

“I’ve never felt a connection with anyone the way I did when our eyes met downstairs. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say I’d been drugged.” Maverick pulled Emma flush against him so that every last contour of his hard body could be felt.

He really was hard all over, which tempted her to want to see him naked. All that hard muscle on display for her eyes only, and her hands as she would caress over his skin.

She gasped and buried her face into his chest with the X-rated thoughts. When he started to sway to the music that drifted around them, she knew she was in big trouble. She wanted nothing more than to crawl inside him and stay there forever.

The more they swayed together, the more aroused they became. She could feel Maverick’s arousal against her stomach and decided to tease him. As their bodies clung together in dance, Emma pressed her hips forward and rubbed her body against his hardness.

He gasped and jerked against her in response. It made her feel as though she could do anything, which was how she found her fingers running through his dark, cropped hair.

Their breathing was heavier and the air was filled with desire as Maverick moved his hands to her bottom. He hauled her up his large body. Emma yanked her dress up so that she could wrap her legs around him. His hands slipped onto her panty-clad bottom and held her against him. His arousal was thick and heavy between her spread thighs as he pushed against her wet panties.

Once...twice...she was so close...

“Fuck,” Maverick cursed, and dropped his forehead against Emma’s as he tried to control his body’s response. “I’m sorry,” he groaned as he slowly released her, and met the embarrassed look in her eyes.

“Please don’t do that,” he continued. He cupped her jaw to keep her gaze focused on him. “We shouldn’t have been here in the stairwell, but I would still have you in my arms if the security link in my ear hadn’t buzzed...I’m needed downstairs.” Maverick wiped a hand over his face as Emma watched.

He was a handsome man and the scar that ran down one side of his face only added to his appeal.

“Emma, I don’t want to leave you, but I don’t have a choice right now. Go back into the VIP lounge and don’t let him take you anywhere else. I’ll be back for you when I’ve sorted the mess out downstairs.” Maverick backed her up against the wall, his eyes searching hers. “Promise me you’ll scream for help if he tries anything? Promise me Emma, or I’m going to walk out of this place right now and take you with me.”

Stunned was an understatement about how she felt. No one had ever cared enough about her to want to protect her the way that Maverick seemed to. At least, not since her parents had died. Chloe didn’t really count, she wasn’t old enough to do much right now, although she’d keep that thought away from her sister—little, miss bossy boots.

“Emma, I really need to go...and I really need that promise.”

“I promise to stay in the VIP lounge.” She smiled and reached up to Maverick. Her lips touched his in a quick peck before she turned and moved to the door. She just caught the look of pure joy that crossed Maverick’s face at her unexpected touch.

As Emma nervously touched the door handle, she was pulled back against his chest. Maverick planted a kiss to the top of her head...then he was gone.

* * * *

Emma was unnerved about being back in the VIP lounge after the heat Maverick generated inside her. She took her seat again and looked around her. No one noticed her arrival, but with the dimmed lighting, more so in her corner, she was hidden from view. She started to watch the other guests who milled around the room, some she didn’t know why they’d bothered dressing considering the skimpy outfits they wore. As she watched one couple in particular, she wondered how long it would take before they disappeared into one of the rooms to finish what they appeared to have started.

“You miss me?” Dahlin asked, making her jump as he joined her again.

“Do you really want me to answer that?” She took a long swallow of the drink he’d placed in her hands.

He laughed and proceeded to ignore her.

This new drink was delicious. It was pink in color and slid down Emma’s throat like a dream. She shouldn’t really be drinking alcohol while with him, but the drink was so good.

“What’s in this?” she asked, holding the glass in front of her face.

“I think it has strawberry and cranberry syrup, which is why it’s such a girly color and so fruity... You want another one?”

“Yes, please.”

Dahlin nodded to his driver, who Emma hadn’t noticed before. She’d assumed he was waiting in the car instead of following them into the club. His name escaped her. She stared at him, her vision as blurry as her brain as she struggled with his name...she was usually good with names. Why couldn’t she remember his?
