Page 27 of Conflicted

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Surprisingly, it does, but finding a parking spot on a Friday night over this side of town is near impossible. After driving around for fifteen minutes, Eva curses under her breath and then speeds off.

“Where are we going?” I laugh.

“My house.”

I don’t have the motivation to argue, so I just sit back and enjoy the ride.

It’s late when I get home. I walk through the living room, stepping over a passed-out Harry and a chick I don’t recognize. Neither of them are wearing much. I go into my room and slam the door. Lacey is right: I need to get out of here. It’s like living in a fucking brothel.

Sitting down on my bed, I grab my phone and sigh. I know I have to deal with her eventually, and the ten missed calls and various messages tell me she’s pretty pissed that I cut her off. I read through the messages and laugh as each one gets more threatening. I dial her number and lie back on my bed, waiting for her to answer.

“Where have you been?” she demands. “God, I was so worried about you. Why did you hang up on me?”

“My phone went flat and I only just got home,” I fib. “Sorry I worried you.”

“It’s okay,” she says, relieved. “I’m just glad you’re not lying in a ditch or something. I was worried you were angry at me for messing up our plans.”

“Nah, we can do dinner anytime, right?” I say, hoping I sound more relaxed than I feel. All I can think about is the two of them. Together. Which is ridiculous, because I have no reason to believe there is anything going on other than their professional relationship. She barely knows him, for fuck’s sake.

Except I know how Lacey idolizes him. And I know enough about my father to know there is something going on. There has to be a reason he chose her.

“So how was your day?” I ask, keeping my tone casual. “Learn much?”

“I’m learning a lot. Aaron is such an amazing teacher,” she gushes. I can almost feel her glowing through the line. “Just watching him, I feel like I’

m learning things I never otherwise would.”

“Well he’s what, twenty years older than you, right?” I point out. “He has a lot more life experience. He started his career when you were still in nappies.” I’m doing everything I can to remind her how much older he is because I’m paranoid he is going to try something—if he hasn’t already. And if he does, I’m not sure she would be able to resist.

“I guess you’re right,” Lacey says.

My jaw tightens. Do I detect disappointment in her voice?

“I saw my father today.”

“You did?” I perk up. I can’t imagine how that went down. “Where?”

“At Aaron’s office. I jumped behind a filing cabinet so he wouldn’t see me. So of course Aaron walked in and I looked like an idiot in front of him. Again.” She groans.

“I don’t get why you worry about what he thinks,” I mutter. Why does every conversation end up back at him? She sighs and I sigh back. I can’t keep pushing it or she’ll ask questions. “Look, I gotta go. I’m late for something.”

“Oh yeah?” she asks. “What?”

“I’m meeting up with a friend,” I say, wondering what’s with the third degree.

“Anyone I know?” she asks.

I chuckle. She can be so nosy, and the tinge of jealousy I’m sure I can hear in her voice makes me happy.

“No, you don’t know her. She’s just a chick I met. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” I hang up, wishing I didn’t have to lie to my best friend. The only plans I have for tonight involve me and my bed. And I don’t mean that in a dirty way. I glance down at my phone and click on Contacts. Then again, it’s not a lie if I make plans. I scroll through until I find the name I’m after, and press Call.

“You’re not standing on a hotel roof right now, are you, Lucas?” Eva’s voice floats down the line. She sounds happy to hear from me, even if she is giving me shit. “Because I can’t think of another reason why I’d hear from you hours after seeing you.”

“I just wanted to apologise if I came across as disinterested today. I had a lot on my mind. Can I make it up to you and buy you dinner or something?”

I lie back on my pillows, a smile creeping onto my face. Two seconds into our conversation and I’m already feeling better. Maybe that’s a sign that I need to move on. Lace and I are never going to happen, and it’s time I accept that. That’s what I wanted, right? Maybe the best thing I can do for everyone is leave her alone and let her make her own mistakes.

“I assume you don’t mean now? Considering it’s nearly midnight.”
