Page 37 of Conflicted

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It’s the next morning, and I’ve been sitting on my bed for what feels like hours, trying to find something to help this case. In the back of my mind I know if there was anything to find, Aaron would’ve found it, but I can’t stop. How much I hinge on what he thinks of me is beginning to concern even me.

“I asked if you plan to do anything other than work, or should I just ignore you for the next three weeks like you’ve been doing me?”

“Ignore you?” I get up, my eyes wide. Is that how she really feels? “I know I’ve been focused on this internship—”

“I think ‘obsessed’ is the term Lucas and I were using,” Ariel replies.

I stiffen, the guilt I felt moments earlier replaced with annoyance. “You spoke to Lucas about me?”

Ariel shrugs. “What’s the big deal? We’re all friends, aren’t we?” Her face softens. She reaches out and squeezes my hand. “We’re just worried about you.”

“This can do a lot—”

“For your career,” Ariel finishes. “I know that. But there’s a difference between being focused and blocking everything else out.” She studies my face. “Unless there’s more to it?”

“What do you mean?” I say, blushing.

“Is something going on with you guys?”

“Me and Aaron?” I laugh, only it comes out like a croak.

Her eyebrows shoot up accusingly.

“It’s not like that, okay? There’s nothing going on, other than a crush that I do not plan on doing anything about.” I’m impressed at how good I’m getting at lying, when Ariel’s face lights up. Or maybe not.

“I knew it,” she mutters, shaking her fist. “That explains Lucas’s behaviour.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, curious. She obviously knows something I don’t, because I have no idea what’s going on with him these days.

“You have no idea, do you?” Ariel chuckles and shakes her head. “The two of you are worse than daytime TV.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I grumble.

My stomach twists in knots. I never told Ariel about propositioning Lucas. I never told anyone. I was too embarrassed. I’m still embarrassed, every time I thi

nk about it. Had he told her? I’d be surprised if he had. They’re friends, but I don’t think they’re that close. Not as close as he and I are, anyway. A pang of jealousy hits me and I fight to push it away.

“You really can’t see it?” She shakes her head again.

I tap my finger on my leg, wishing she’d get to the point.

“He likes you, and he probably thinks something is going on with you and your boss.”

Lucas? I laugh. If only she knew how wrong she was.

“I guarantee that you’re completely off track with that one,” I laugh. The only person Lucas has a thing for is himself. “Look, Ariel, I’m sorry if I’m neglecting you. I promise I’ll make it up to you, but right now I need to get this done.” I turn her around and steer her out of my room, closing the door before she can protest.

I go back over and sit down on my bed, my mind blown. No. I know Lucas. If that was his problem, then I would’ve picked up on it. Wouldn’t I? I shift so my legs are tucked under me and sigh. I spent so long trying to get over him, and now Ariel drops this bombshell on me? What if it is true? Does it change anything?

After last night, it changes everything.

I pick up my notepad, determined to forget about my conversation with Ariel. At least until after the summer. Lying back on my bed, I continue reading, but the words refuse to stick in my head. I give up and shove everything off the mattress. I’m not going to be able to concentrate until I figure out the truth. Only I don’t know how I’m going to get it, short of asking Lucas directly. And that’s never going to happen. Groaning, I roll over and bury my face in my pillow.

When did my life become so complicated?

Chapter Eighteen

