Page 61 of Conflicted

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“This time I’m gonna hold on tight and never let you go,” I whisper. With both hands, I cradle her face, pressing my mouth against hers. She kisses me back, her fingers raking through my hair. She’s fucking amazing. I want to pinch myself in case I’m dreaming, but if I am, then I don’t want to wake up.

Out of a bad situation has come this: Lace and me, finally together where we belong. Maybe I should be thanking my father for putting a boot in my arse and making me realize what I was missing out on. Maybe one day I’ll be able to forgive him. It won’t be anytime soon, but who knows what the future holds.

For now, I’m happy just living in this moment.

Chapter Thirty


Two months later

We make decisions every day, and only time will tell if they are the right ones.

For the first time in my life, I’m happy. It’s early in our relationship, but being with Lucas is better than I could have ever imagined

. I’m done with my course, and I have a fantastic job lined up to start in March, thanks to Aaron’s friend Lucy. Even my parents are coming around to the idea of me not following their dreams. But just because I’m happy doesn’t mean I don’t live with regrets.

Right or wrong, I’ve never told Lucas what I know about his father. As far as I know, Aaron hasn’t told him either. If he had, Lucas would’ve told me, because you don’t hide that kind of thing from your partner...

I haven’t seen Aaron since our last trip to the Francis Centre, our only contact being the glowing recommendation he emailed me last month. I think about him often, and wonder how he’s going. I’ve thought about calling him, but aside from promising Lucas I wouldn’t, I know if I open that door again I’m not sure I’ll be able to close it.

It’s the what ifs that haunt me, though. I’m terrified that Lucas will find out I knew all along, and hate me for it. Or that he will wake up in ten years and want a relationship with his father. Every now and then I even find myself wondering if I made the right decision by choosing Lucas. I’m happy, and I love him, but what if…

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. The problem is, you never know the consequences of your actions until it’s too late…

