Page 8 of The Playbook

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I snort. “I plan to. I have three things on my mind tonight. First, get wasted. Then I’m gonna get my groove on. and finally. I’ll take some lucky girl to bed at the end of the night and forget her in the morning.”

“So it’s just like every other night then, hey?” Asher rolls his eyes, a gleam in them as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out two tiny pills. “Good thing I brought these little guys along then. My eyes narrow as I lean over the table and snatch one of them. I laugh when I realize what it is. I’m not usually one for drugs—all the random testing makes sure of that—and as far as I know, neither is Asher. I haven't done anything harder than alcohol since the night I was signed. I hesitate for a second and then throw the pill back to him.

“All yours,” I say. The last thing I need is to be caught doing drugs, and to be honest, I’m a little disappointed Ash is into that shit. I down the contents of my glass and top it up again. I better make the most of this before I take my pay cut. Next week all I’ll be able to afford is cheap beer.

“Your loss,” he shrugs, shoving the pill back in his pocket.

As the drinks continue to flow I feel the buzz of the alcohol and lack of sleep hitting me. I can't sit still. I stand up and grab a bottle off the table and dance my way to the downstairs bar, in search of a woman. I've fulfilled two things on my list tonight, now it's time for number three.

I walk through the doorway, my fingers clutched around the neck of the bottle, and look around. The music booms as I survey the talent, determined to get some action now. At this stage, anyone will do. I spy a redhead sitting at the bar, talking to her friend and decide she is my target. I neck some more booze, slamming the empty bottle on the bar next to Red. She turns to face me, her eyes wide.

“Hey, Red, how's it going?” I say, my words slurring slightly.

Not very inventive, but with the girls in here you don't really need to put much effort in. God that sounds harsh, but it's the truth. Usually just acknowledging them is an invitation. I caress her face, her creamy white skin turning almost as red as her hair.

"What are you drinking?” I signal to the barman that I'm ready to order, and he grabs another bottle from the top shelf. He shakes his head as he pops the cork and slides the bottle across the bar. I scowl at his judgement then turn my attention back to my new friend.

“Hi! Wow, you’re Jake Tanner, aren't you?” she gushes, her eyes wide and puppy-like. It's almost cute how star struck she is. God, I love my job. Or at least I used to.

“The one and only. Out of all the women in here, I picked you," I say. I'm making myself cringe over here, but my charms seem to be working. If her smile gets any bigger she will give herself lockjaw, and I can’t let that happen with what I want her to be doing in about ten minutes’ time.

She blushes again, then smiles shyly at me as she tucks a stray lock of hair back behind her ear. She bites her lip and I harden instantly. My cock needs to be in that mouth now. I rub my stubbled jaw and flash her my trademark smile—the same one that scored me two sponsors with Nike and Lynx.

"So, drink?" I remind her.

“I will have a rum and Coke, please.” She turns and grins at her friend, who rolls her eyes in response. I glance at her for the first time. Is she expecting a drink, too? She glares at me through her wire rimmed glasses, looking less than impressed. I turn back to Red as the bartender puts the drinks on the table and she takes a sip.

“Mmmm that's good,” she purrs.

She licks her lips in a blatant effort to try and seduce me. Her technique is a bit of a turnoff and I know I have to seal this deal soon before she ruins it completely. I grab her by the hips and spin her on her chair planting my lips on hers. She pulls away, stunned, but two seconds later she's on me again. Maybe I underestimated her, because she tastes amazing.

“So, how about we take this back to my place?” I ask, already knowing the answer is yes.

“I'm kind of on a girl’s night out. I can't leave my friend.” She winces, as if she can't believe what she's saying. I think we both know she's blowing the opportunity of a lifetime here.

Or at least she will be if I get my way.

I glance over her shoulder at her friend who gives me a half-raised eyebrow and an eye-roll. She's curvier than Red, but that's kind of refreshing. If she smiled a bit, she'd be really quite attractive. The chubby ones are always so serious.

"She can join us," I say. Maybe a good ride would loosen her up.

"Thanks, but no," she says, making a face.

I shrug. Oh well. I’m not here for her anyway, so I don't give a shit what she thinks.

“We'll be back in twenty minutes,” I mouth at her. She looks a little shocked as I grab Red's hand and walk across the room to the fire exit, but I don't care. My head is now spinning and I know I'm probably only a few minutes from crashing, so all I want to do is get laid and now.

I push the fire exit door open and pull her through it. It's cold out but what I plan on doing will get us warm soon enough. Pushing her up against the wall, I kiss her hard. Running my finger

s over her top, I feel her breasts as her nipples harden against my touch. She arches her back as her fingers struggle to unbutton her shirt.

Impatiently, I rip her shirt clear off her body. Buttons fly everywhere as I yank her closer to me. She gasps, which just encourages me further. Pulling her skirt up over her hips, I yank at her thong, shoving it to the side. Her eyes widen with shock, but I don't care. I just need to pound my cock inside her.

She keeps kissing me, which indicates consent to continue, so I take my cock out and thrust it deep inside her wetness, making her gasp so loud it echoes in the alley.

My head is pounding so much it's hard to concentrate. My vision begins to blur and for a moment I think I might pass out, but then I get the release I need as I come inside her.

Panting, I put her down and run my hand through my hair. Red stands in front of me, mouth wide open, staring at me as if she can't believe what just happened. I'm tempted to offer her my autograph, or maybe just sign her boob. She moves in to kiss me, but I quickly duck aside, with a friendly laugh.
