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Her head dropped. “I see.”

“I don’t think you do.” He tilted her chin. “Maybe we should do this in private.”

Jasmine, standing by with a shocked expression and a slight smile, shoved a purse into Brooke’s free hand. “Go. No one’s in the park.”

As they made their exit, Gabe was certain he heard a collective sigh go up inside the café.

Brooke was a mess of emotions. She’d never stood up to Vincent before and the resulting shakes still buckled her knees. But she’d crawl across the street to be with Gabe and hear what he had to say. Hope springs eternal was a proverb for a reason.

They reached the empty gazebo and released the wiggling boy, who’d spotted the playground as they crossed the street. He headed pell-mell toward the climbing toy.

“I love him, Gabe. I can’t tell you how tormented I am about what happened. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat—”

“Shh.” He put a finger to her lips. “I know. I knew all along but I let fear take control. I was wrong. Terribly, stupidly wrong. I know that now. When your brother said you were leaving town, I knew I couldn’t let you go.”

“You talked to Zach?”

“He gave me a call this morning. Early. Your tight-lipped brother can say more in a few well-placed words than most people can say in a lifetime.”

“What did he say?”

“He said he was tired of seeing his baby sister get hurt and if I didn’t have feelings for you, I should hit the road.”

Brooke pressed a hand to her mouth. “Oh, Gabe, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I like the guy. A terse man-to-man was exactly what I needed to wake up and face reality. When A.J. disappeared, all the issues with Tara came flooding back. I let past experience crowd the truth. You aren’t her. You’re strong and responsible and unselfish.” He cupped her face. “When I saw you stand up to Vincent, I was both proud and angry.”

“I was scared to death.”

“But you stood your ground. I heard what you said. You’d fight him to protect A.J. and me.” He kissed her eyelid. “Do you know what that means to me?”

“What?” She offered her other eyelid. He kissed it, too. Her insides melted. The worry that he wouldn’t forgive her, that she couldn’t forgive herself, disappeared like hot fog.

“It means you’re best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. It means I can’t lose you. It means if I don’t tell you how much I love you, your brother’s going to beat me up.”

A giggle burst from Brooke’s throat. She opened her eyes and tilted her head back to read his face. Oh, that beloved face. “Tell me then and mean it.”

“I love you, Brooke. I loved you the minute I saw you climbing in that window and I’ve loved you more every day since. I realize now that’s why I wanted you for A.J.’s nanny. I had to be near you. I was afraid you were too young. I was afraid I was too old, but I had to have you in my life.” His lips found hers in a kiss of passion and tenderness. When the sweetness ended, he smiled softly and said, “Your turn.”

“Finally,” she said in mock annoyance. “Such a chatterbox. You could take lessons from my brother.”

He kissed her again, this time until her head spun and her heart sang. When she came up for air, she gave her head a stunned shake. “Wow. Wow.”

“Is that all you can say?”

“I love you, Gabe,” she said, smiling, chest bursting with happiness. “Now, kiss me like that again.”

“Glutton,” he murmured, right before his lips met hers.


The gathering inside the fellowship hall of Clayton Christian Church was a noisy bunch. Chairs scraped, voices rose and fell, and kids played, occasionally breaking out in a game of tag.

They’d invited everyone in the church, her family and friends as well as Gabe’s friends and family and employees from Denver. The invitations had simply said “a celebration,” but Brooke knew Gabe had more in mind than a party. From the looks and comments Brooke received, the guests suspected the real reason for the party. Not that she cared.
