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By now her heart thundered in her ears. Though she tried to control her breathing, her chest rose and fell more quickly. Her tongue snaked out to moisten lips gone dry from nerves and drying sugar. As if she’d issued a command, Dax tossed the brush aside and leaned in to nibble at the corner of her mouth.

“Yum,” he said, his breath stirring the sensitive tissues, making her yearn.

She tried to move, to turn her lips into his, but he backed away a fraction of an inch. His eyelids were hooded and sexy.

“Be still.” The gravelly command raised goose bumps on her arms. Dax noticed and laughed softly. “I made this mess. I’ll clean it up.”

While Jenna thought she’d die if he didn’t kiss her right then, she played his sensual game. His hot, enticing tongue followed the path of the paintbrush around her lips.

“Sweet as sugar,” he murmured, the words flowing into her mouth from his. She smiled a little at the joke.

He nibbled her bottom lip. She let her mouth drop open slightly hoping he’d take the hint.

But Dax was not finished with his delicious torture. He went right on nipping and tasting, making soft moaning sounds that sent her blood racing and alerted every nerve ending in her body.

The taste of sugar mingled with the coffee they’d drunk and a taste that only belonged to Dax—manly, hot and yet cautious as though he was holding himself in check. She didn’t want caution. She wanted him.

“Dax,” she whispered in a shaky voice.

He raised his head and their eyes locked. The desire she saw there didn’t surprise her, but the tenderness did. For all his gruffness, Dax had a way of making her feel cherished.

“I—I—” She longed to admit her love but there were other things she had to tell him first. And yet if she discussed her past, this beautiful spell would be broken. She couldn’t bear if he was angry with her for keeping the secret. Not today when she felt more beautiful and special than she’d ever felt in her life. So in the end, she closed her eyes and said nothing. Dax didn’t move and she could feel his gaze boring into her. His breath soughed gently and after a moment he shifted slightly, though he never released her hands. He held her captive with his fingers, his body and his lips. She wondered if he knew that he also held her captive with his heart.

Her lips dropped open and this time Dax took full advantage to devour the remaining sugar, caressing her mouth until she thought she might melt into the carpet.

He worked his way over her chin and jaw and to her ear where he puffed softly until she shivered, and then he kissed his way down her throat. It was then he loosened his hold on her wrists. With deep pleasure humming through her body, she laced her fingers in his thick hair and drew him closer.

Just when Jenna thought she would combust with desire, Sophie let out a howl.

Both adults froze. The only sounds in the room were the crackle of the fireplace and the pounding of their hearts.

Sophie cried out again.

Dax growled deep in his throat, and then he chuckled. The sound vibrated inside Jenna’s chest. With a wry grin, he rolled to one side and helped her sit up. “Saved by the baby.”

She hadn’t wanted to be saved from Dax, but common sense would say to take things slowly. She pushed to a stand, using Dax’s broad shoulder for leverage. Her knees trembled. “It’s time for her bottle.”

“Bring her in here.” He shoved a hand through his hair, forking it up in all directions. “I missed playtime this morning.”

Jenna studied him. He wasn’t angry. A little frustrated perhaps, but not angry. Instead he wanted to spend time with her and Sophie.

How could she not love a man like that?


DAX LIFTED THE LID on the stew pot and sniffed. Steam and the aroma of chicken broth warmed his face. Jenna had gone into town for lunch with Crystal and a couple of other girlfriends, leaving the stew pot for his lunch. According to Jenna, they were revising a guest list for the Christmas party that seemed to grow larger each day. Not that he minded. If having a party made her happy, she could have one every day.

Taking a thick stoneware bowl from the shelf, he dipped it full of the Brunswick Stew, sliced a chunk of corn bread and settled in at the bar for lunch.

The rainy day had changed everything. He could no more explain it than he could explain why a woman like Jenna Garwood would choose to remain on the Southpaw with him and Gavin, but he felt more positive about life than he had in years. Hope was a magical emotion and he was filled with it.

As much as he’d wanted to make love to Jenna that day, he now knew the timing had been wrong. They were still learning and growing together and each day was a discovery. Jenna in his kitchen. Jenna in his living room. Jenna dancing in circles to Christmas music with Sophie in her arms.

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