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‘Yes. I mean—no! I don’t want you to play any role.’ An X-rated vision of a cruel grey-eyed sultan and his languishing favourite suddenly revisited her imagination, causing her freckles to join up with rosy guilt.

‘Shame!’ His knowing grin damned her for a bare-faced liar. ‘I could have delivered you an Oscar-winning performance.’

‘For acting or special effects?’ she muttered through her blushes.

He made another deep sound in his chest, half laugh and half groan. ‘We do seem to have a rather special effect on each other, don’t we?’ The hand on her bottom moved down to cup one taut rounded globe, lifting her more tightly into the heavy fullness of his groin. ‘What do you think we should do about it?’

She shuddered. The hot thrust of his desire ignited an answering fire deep within the core of her being. A molten heaviness gathered low in her abdomen, sending thick spurts of scalding excitement pulsing through her body, a turbulent mixture of fear and delight that threatened to burst the flimsy barriers of her control.

‘I don’t know…’ She tried to remember all the reasons she should resist Blake’s potent allure, but they seemed to be slipping from her increasingly hazy mental grasp.

He would be a dangerous enemy, but Nora had an uneasy premonition that he might be an even more dangerous friend! Despite all the suspicion and mistrust that lay between them, Blake made her feel things that she had never felt before, not even with Ryan. Her comfortable life had been thrown into chaos and the painful emotional upheaval was proving oddly liberating. She had wanted Ryan, but was beginning to realise that she had never really needed him….

‘I can’t think properly—’ she gasped, arching her throat as Blake nuzzled into the warm crease of her neck, surprising her with yet another previously undiscovered erogenous zone.

‘Then don’t!’ His rough urgency invited her to surrender to the moment. ‘Just go with what you feel…’

But feelings could be treacherous, too. They put the generous, loyal and loving at the mercy of the cool-headed and self-serving. Did Blake even know what it was like to suffer betrayal on such an intimate level—to the extent that he could no longer trust his emotions?

Nora pushed her braced hands against the rock-hard chest, holding his overwhelming physicality at bay with trembling arms. She was right to be nervous. His harsh face was drawn into a mask of arousal, flesh stripped back from the bone, his mouth full and slightly reddened, a dark and hungry look prowling in the glittering grey eyes—the epitome of a dominant male.

‘Have you ever made a total fool of yourself over a woman?’ she wondered wistfully.

He hesitated, eyes narrowing, instinctively wary:

a predator alert for hidden traps.

‘No, no—of course you haven’t!’ she said, her voice wry. Blake might be an acknowledged expert in the bedroom but, discounting his teenage crush, he was no authority on love. He had been too well armoured by his ambition to allow himself to be sidetracked by his emotions.

‘What makes you so damned sure?’ he pounced. He seemed to have taken her answer on his behalf as a challenge. Perhaps he resented the fact that she could read him so easily.

‘Well, you haven’t, have you?’ she said, the confident upward arch of her dark eyebrows making his own plummet to new depths.

A lethal smile peeled away from his teeth, baring his wolfish determination.

‘Maybe that’s about to change…’ he murmured, contracting his powerful arms with an explosive jerk that collapsed Nora back on to his chest. He raked his open mouth over her parted lips, letting her feel the sharp grate of his teeth, forcing her soft squeak of surprise back down her throat with long, deep, drugging kisses that caused an instant sensual overload.

While the hot male taste of him ravished her senses and stole away part of her woman’s soul, her mind spun sugar candy fantasies from his words. Was he implying that Nora might have the power to make him act foolishly?

Her heart fluttered up into her throat when she suddenly realised that they were no longer beside the dining table. His soul-stealing kisses had blinded her to the fact that he had been slowly walking her backwards, manouevering her with instinctive skill around the scattered furniture towards the plush blue couches that lay in wait in the shadows of the big room. At some stage her protesting arms had wound themselves around his neck, her fingers fisted in the cool dampness of his midnight-dark hair.

Dizzy and breathless, she felt her legs bump to a halt against the low arm of one of the couches, the plush velvety pile creating a delicious friction against the sensitive nerves at the back of her knees. She imagined being tumbled back the short distance into the safety net of deep squashy cushions, crushed into the softness by that lithe, hard body, dominated and controlled by his clever hands, which had already slipped under her T-shirt to explore her bare back and the satin smoothness of her seamless bra. His fingers looped under one narrow strap, dragging it to the side so that the cool fabric peeled down from the silky curve of her breast, exposing the taut button of her nipple to his rasping thumb. His tongue dipped and curled enticingly in her mouth as his fingers gently played with his find, drawing the delicate bud out to swollen fullness, milking it of pleasure with smooth, measured strokes, then squeezing with a ruthless finesse that made her shudder in violent delight.

‘Yes, you like that. I know you do…’ he affirmed with crushing satisfaction as he turned his carnal attention to her other breast, circling her begging nipple with a taunting scrape of his nails. He bit at her tender earlobe as he whispered, ‘Do you remember how you felt at the hotel when I suckled your lovely breasts? You almost climaxed when I took your nipple inside my mouth. Shall we do it again now…?’ His fingers tightened to illustrate his shockingly explicit words.

Nora thought she was going to faint.

‘Oh, God—! No—I—Wait!’ She panicked, teetering on the brink of a new emotional precipice, afraid, not of falling, but of actively flinging herself over the edge. Her hands dug into the thickly bunched muscles across his shoulders as she strove to cling to her fast-eroding resolve. ‘You said you’d answer my question if I answered yours!’

His hands froze against her breasts. ‘You’ve got to be kidding!’ he groaned in her burning ear.

She shook her head, her curls bouncing against his cheek. ‘We had a bargain,’ she gulped.

He drew back. ‘You’d really rather talk than—’He offered her a string of erotic variations that made her burn with curiosity. Was it really possible to do all those things? In one night?

She shook away the wicked thought and his mouth compressed, his eyes flaring with a ferocious impatience. She half hoped he might arrogantly ignore her shaky resistance, but instead she felt his whole body ripple with a series of pulsing contractions, as if he was fighting to rein himself in, muscle by individual muscle. His hands abandoned her aching breasts to encircle her smooth waist just above the band of her shorts, keeping her firmly compressed between his hard thighs and the soft side of the couch.

‘All right, ask your damned question,’ he said, with a clipped precision that signalled his rigid self-control.
