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“Thank you so much for doing this, Piper.” Ana meant so much to her and Stuart. That they could finally reclaim this piece of her past was but small repayment. “Thank Frederic, as well.”

“I will. Now, do you want the other good news?”

Patience looked at the man sitting next to her, feeling overwhelmed with good fortune. She didn’t think it was possible for life to get better. However, Piper certainly sounded happy, so she was definitely curious. “Yes. What’s the other good news?”

“Well...” There was a long dramatic pause before her sister finally replied.

“I got married.”

She nearly dropped the phone. “Did you say married?” How? When? Who?

“It’s a long story,” Piper said. “Do you have time?”

Was she kidding? For news like this, Patience had all the time in the world. “I couldn’t hang up now if I tried.” She settled back to hear what her baby sister had to say.

By the end of Piper’s story, Patience had tears in her eyes. Stuart was right there, his strong arms ready to provide solace. “You going to be okay?” he asked, when she hung up the phone.

“She did it,” Patience whispered. “Everything I ever dreamed for her. She did it.” Her heart felt so full she thought it might burst.

One of her tears escaped. Stuart brushed the moisture from her cheek and she smiled, thinking about their first night on the roof. “I was so certain Piper would be the only one of us to find love and have a happy ending.”

“And now?”

She shifted in his arms, so she could look into the eyes of the man who’d captured her heart the moment he walked through the hospital door. “Now, it looks like I was wrong. Because I can’t imagine a happier ending than being with you.”

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