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The doors closed. There was nothing we could do.

The truth was none of us were safe anymore.

Juliana hunched near the weapons lockers. They were to be used only in the case of a true emergency. If a bullet managed to break through the quote-un-quote proofed and fortified structure of the Starship T1-95 Pandorum, we’d all be fucked.

She grabbed two pistols. They were nothing fancy, but they’d do the trick. Turning her head, she looked worried, but tossed me the gun and a set of bullets for me to load into the chamber.

“If you can manage it, keep the son of a bitch alive, okay?” she asked.

“Cade? I can’t make any promises,” I said. “I’ll do my best.”

“I meant the alien.” Juliana gave me a crooked smile.

I loaded the pistol, cocked it, and felt some satisfaction when the bullet moved into the chamber. It was almost as if I’d expected to end up in this position.

All of the history books taught me one thing: exploration leads to unknown truths. There is always a high risk of madness, disease, and death. Those that went against the rules of the mission would have to face the fire of existence.

I didn’t know what to say. All I could think about was my family, about my past. Losing my brother didn’t feel real anymore. It had been years since we left, and though I could never have another family, I would always carry the sibling bond we had within my heart.

Only, now, I was floating away from it all. I was losing sight of what I once was and why I signed up to be here. All I wanted to do was find some firm ground to stand on.

“There is no sense of balance in space,” I said, securing the tactical belt around my hip. “Any ground you try to find will reject you. I am not certain we have the tenacity to finish our mission, Juliana. I’m worried that we have gone too far with our actions. What if we can’t win the inmates’ trust back? What if we were never supposed to find a new habitat?”

Juliana lowered her eyelids and breathed carefully. Then, she cocked her pistol as I had mine seconds before. “What are you trying to say, bitch?”

I looked back one more time. The prisoners. They weren’t good people, but seeing them locked inside of the cafeteria like that scared me. Tensions were already starting to rise, and we really needed to figure out a plan before they did.

“Forget it,” she said. “Let’s split up and decimate this alien. I’m sure we’ll find Cade in the process.”

“Just another manic episode,” I murmured.


I didn’t believe it, but without any options, I went for the only plan we had. “You really think we should split up?”

The odds that one of us would get hurt were high, but if we were ambushed together, we might be completely finished. I swallowed and wished I could get a drink of water to satisfy my thirst. Sweat was practically pouring down my forehead.

“Never mind,” I said. “If shit gets really fucked up, we’ll meet near solitary. Got it?”

Two confident nods.

But as experience on Earth had taught me, the center never held. It simply crumbled under the force of something stronger. I suddenly got the feeling that whatever was inside this ship was after me.

I closed my eyes and straightened out my spine. It was time to find the intruder.



Her scent was everywhere. The light and flowery pheromones drifted around me, so inescapable that I found myself huddled in a supply closet, naked and fully erect, edging my cock to satisfaction.

Edging for hours, I was unable to keep down the deep lust I felt within. The thought of her bent over my lap, showing off her little pussy and rump like a proper submissive was in the center of my mind’s eye. I stroked my hard cock and felt the power run through me.

I came, spraying the walls and floor. I drooped forward, panting. I was still so hungry for her. I craved the bitch, and no one could tell me I couldn’t have her. The pleasure I felt would be nothing compared to the real thing.

Soon, the ache in my balls set in. I needed to knot, needed to feel my member latch onto her cunt, spreading seed across her insides until we became one. I yearned to see the look in her eyes as I gave her my last drop of come, impregnating her with my eternal being.

It was a fucking honor to be chosen as my mate.
