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“Fuck me? You think James Ross is just gonna let you walk away? You're deluded.”

“You're a fucking pussy. Let me ask you this... what if I don't want to walk away? It's easy fucking money, Madd. More than you can make in a month helping the old man in the garage.”

“So, it's not just a one-time thing then?”

There was a pause. “It is what it is, Madd. Nothing to get your panties in a twist about.”

“O, I don't fucking like this—”

“Don’t sweat, dude. Look, I gotta split. Gwen's waiting and she won't put out if I piss her off. Ain’t got the energy to go looking elsewhere for pussy tonight.”

“Christ, you're an asshole.”

“Don't worry, little brother, one day you'll grow up to be just like me.”

With a guffaw, Owen Renner headed off in the other direction and I plastered my back against the fencing, slinking as far as possible into the shadows and holding my breath as his silhouette danced out of view.

“So… you won't speak to me, but you will listen in on my private conversations.”

The scream that left my lips pierced the night sky, probably waking my mom and disturbing every resident in the trailer park. My heart thundered behind my ribs and the garbage fell from my grasp. Palming my chest to stop the frantic thumping, I bent forward.

“You stupid jerk!” I screeched, glaring up at him from my bent over position and gasping for breath. “You scared the ever-loving shit out of me!”

Reno grinned as he settled his shoulder against the wooden post, folding his arms over his chest and crossing his ankles. “Nosy tonight, aren't we?”

I remembered then that I was pretending he didn't exist. Dropping my hand from my chest, I snatched the bag from the ground, shoved the plastic lid up, and dumped the trash inside. Slamming the lid back down with a bang, I lifted my chin and stormed past him. His hand wrapped around my wrist and tugged me backward. My back landed flush against his solid chest and both of his arms wrapped around my middle immediately, locking me in. His mouth dipped to my shoulder, effectively sucking all the fight right out of me in one breath.

Man, this was bad. I didn't speak, didn't dare utter one word or make one move. I needed to think. To figure out how to keep my wits about me and maneuver myself into a position of power so I didn’t wind up sucking his face off again.

“This feels familiar.” His breath skimmed the skin on my neck, sending a subtle tremor through me.

Clearing my throat, my voice still managed to come out husky and low. Sultry. Jesus. “Yeah? Well, it's not going to play out the way you're thinking.”

His fingers strummed across my stomach. “No?”

I shook my head instead of using my newly acquired sex voice and squirmed against his hold.

He loosened enough for me to claw back some breathing room, but kept me trapped in the circle of his arms. The scruff of his jaw grazed my cheek as he murmured, “Why are you fighting so hard?”

“I'm not going to fuck you, Ren.”

He was silent but for his soft breaths stirring the hairs at my temple. Then, “And what if I want more?”

My body tensed. “More? More... what?”

“More than sex.”

Something like hope bloomed inside my chest. My heart clenched with possibility. I shut that down fast, dragging in a breath and choking out a forced laugh. “You don't do more than sex.”

“What if I do now?”

Pushing against his arms, I forced myself out of his hold and spun to face him. The idea of more with Reno, whatever more was, had my blood rushing and heat flooding my cheeks.

But I couldn't. I couldn't let him in, not even an inch. “You think you promise the world and I spread my legs? Is that it?”

His left shoulder lifted in a shrug. “Not making any promises.”

He took a step forward; I took one back. And then another, and another, until I had nowhere left to go. His toes brushed mine, that's how close he was. Close enough to smell the earthy, clean scent that was all him. His head dipped until his full lips were almost grazing mine.
