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Freshly primped, primed and made up in a brand-new dress, I walked toward where Reno waited by the entrance to the hotel bar. It felt like we'd been waiting a lifetime for this day. The moment our lives could officially start. I was going home to stay, and we were going to build a life together. Reno had made good on his promise to Brett. Using Brett’s life insurance, he'd invested in the garage, upgrading and expanding to include services for custom detailing, window tinting, amongst other things. It was doing exceptionally well, and I was prouder of him than he could ever be of me, I was sure of it. He’d been lost for a while there, but he’d fought his way back. Despite the fears that plagued him. Despite the losses he’d suffered.

His eyes darkened when he spotted me, and I felt the heat from his gaze all over. A shiver worked its way down my spine and my breath caught. I let him take my hand and he hauled me against his body. His hands found the small of my back and he slid them down to cup my butt, squeezing possessively.

“You look fucking gorgeous,” he growled, eyes dipping to my mouth. For all his manhandling, his lips were tender when they met mine. And like always, I melted into him.

When I would have suggested we forgo dinner and head to the room, he moved me back, extending his arms until his elbows locked, holding me away from him. Hunger burned like an inferno in his eyes as he warred with the same temptation I had. Finally, he gave his head a sharp shake and slid one hand down my arm, grasping my hand in his. And then we were off. Trailing behind, my eyes strayed longingly to the elevator we sped past. But he didn’t stop his march until we were safely through the hotel lobby and had cleared the revolving glass doors.

He slowed his pace about twenty yards down the sidewalk and swivelled his head to look down at me with a knowing smirk. He knew what he’d done. I scowled up at him, lips twisting in displeasure. His smirk bloomed into a full blown laugh and I couldn’t hold on to the expression.

“So,” I said, “Where are we going? Better be some place real good if you’re passing up on hotel room sex.”

His head fell back with his laughter as we strolled, hand in hand, turning into the park. He shrugged, miming zipping his lips together. I smacked his arm with the heel of my palm, eyes narrowed on him teasingly. Leaning into his side, I rested my head on his bicep, eyes fluttering closed. The streets of downtown were alive, vibrant with noise and color. Contentment filled me, a soft sigh filtering between my curved lips, the smile seemingly glued to my face.

Glancing up, the ferris wheel towered above us, an all seeing eye standing proud above the city.

Reno followed my gaze and gave my hand a squeeze. “Come on.”

With no line, we paid and boarded, ascending into the sky within minutes. I moved to the edge of the glass, looking out over the perfect skyline. Dusk was on the verge of giving up the day to the night. The burning oranges and yellows of the departing sun melded with the deepest of blues, broken by thin slivers of shadowed clouds and the looming mountain scape in the distance. It was beautiful. I felt Reno move in behind me, arms circling my waist, chest

fitting against my back. I let my head fall back to rest on his shoulder, his chin found the top of my head, nuzzling, and I wrapped my arms over his.

“I love you,” he murmured.

My arms tightened, and I craned my head to peer up at him, my heart swelling in my chest. “I love you, too.”

He dropped his head, planting a kiss on my temple before straightening and shifting his eyes back to the view. I followed suit. Our car stilled at the very top, and I heard Reno exhale, the sound extended and sharp, like he was doing it through pursed lips. His weight shifted and cool air hit my back as he drew away.

“This wasn’t the plan... I had a reservation at a fancy restaurant, but...” he said, and he sounded nervous.

My brows drew together. I turned, expecting to look up at him, except he wasn’t standing behind me. He was down on one knee, arm extended, a sparkling diamond ring held up between his thumb and finger.

My trembling hands flew to my mouth, breath escaping me in an awed gasp. “Ren...?”

Soul deep eyes captured mine, penetrating right through me. “I wasn’t sure if I should even do this yet, Ri,” he started, and he seemed so unsure of himself, a quiet sob broke from me, my heart thumping. “You’re still young. This is the first day of the rest of your life, and I’m hijacking it.”

His beautiful eyes flashed with intensity, boring into me, and his voice turned husky. “But I’m a selfish ashole when it comes to you and I won’t apologize for that. I want your future, Riley. I’ll support and stand by you, whatever you do, but I want to be there with you, be a part of it. I want to you to be my wife, have my children,” his voice broke, and I couldn’t hold back. My head nodded vigorously.

Relief washed over him, a smile breaking over the face I loved so much. “I love you so fucking much. Marry me, Riley? Please?”

I fell on him, almost toppling us both, but sure arms fastened around my shaking body and lifted us both up. Head buried in his chest, legs threatening to give way, all I could do was nod.

He eased back, tipping my chin. “Be nice to hear you say it, Ri,” he said, tone light.

“Yes. Of course, yes,” I said through my tears. Reaching up to trace my hands over his jaw, nails scratching the scruff, I nodded again. “You are my future, Maddox Renner. Everything else... is just stuff, but this... us,” I held his gaze. “Is the single most important thing in the world to me.”

He took my small hand in his big one, and slid the solitaire over my finger before pulling my hand to his mouth and brushing his lips over my knuckles.

Two years later


“We’re gonna be late, Ri!” I shouted up the stairs, tapping my fingers impatiently against the wooden rail. Scrubbing a hand through my hair, I checked my watch, and muttered, “Christ, woman.”

What the hell is she doing?

Pacing down the hallway, keys swinging around my finger, still muttering about my wife’s inability to be on time for any fucking thing, I double checked the locks on the doors and windows, eyes quickly surveying the space around me.

We’d bought a three bed house six months ago. It was on the same street as Leon’s mom and step-dad. Not too big, not too small. Little patch of grass out front and a decent sized yard out back. We had bigger visions, but it was home, and everywhere I looked, I saw Riley. Framed pictures of us adorned the walls and surfaces. Honestly, I could live in a cardboard box, if it was with her, I’d be good.
