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Silence descended over us like a heavy blanket as we stilled, holding onto each other. I lifted my gaze and brought my eyes level with his throat, watching as his Adam’s apple jerked when he swallowed. Warmth from his denim clad thighs seeped into my bare skin, and I quickly became aware of how closely aligned we were.

The weight of his chest compressed mine with every shallow breath he took, each harsh rasp of air from his lips fluttering the loose wisps of hair at my temple and dancing them around my head. The firm grip of his fingers tightened around my upper arms, and I felt every single point of contact between us, from the gentle pressure of his chin resting against my forehead, to the scuff of his sneakers against the toes of mine, and everything in between.

Blood flooded my head and heated my cheeks, my heartbeat a violent thud against my breastbone. Leon had to be able to feel it because I could feel his. Amongst other things. The hard length of him wedged between our bodies was doing nothing to chill my internal thermostat.

Saliva pooled in my mouth, my breaths short, sharp bursts that stuttered past my lips. I couldn’t figure out how to extract myself from the situation, it felt like one wrong move and anything could happen.

“Lissa...” Leon grated, voice low and rough. And sexy as fuck.

The hard line of his jaw twitched as the moment stretched, heavy with tension and unfamiliar emotion. When his head drew back and his eyes fell to my lips, my heart kicked out at my ribs like a wild horse, and the realization that followed knocked the wind clean out of me.

I wanted him to kiss me.

I goddamn needed him to kiss me.

The air froze in my lungs as he lowered his head. My heart sped up; my brain buzzed with anticipation. His lips were a hairsbreadth from mine… and then the idiot spoke.

“Sorry for spilling beer in yo—”

Oh, screw this.

I shut him up.

With my mouth.



My head spun out of control; synapses sparking, blood burning. My lips against Leon's created a series of mini explosions that rocked me to my core, and I grasped at his waist while his mouth devoured mine, rough palms dragging up the column of my throat and gripping the nape of my neck. He angled my face, increasing the pressure of his mouth as our wet tongues tangled.

My mind whirled, dizzy, caught up in the feel of his mouth, and a low moan escaped my lips when he rolled his groin into me. I curled my hands over his shoulders and hooked a leg around his thigh, my body searching for more.

He released my head and wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me off my feet. My body slammed into the side of the car a second later and Leon’s movements turned frantic, his greedy hands roaming down, skimming over my hips and ass, before clutching the back of my leg and hiking it higher.

My breath escaped on a hiss when he ground into the space he’d created between my thighs. The feel of him pressed against me had my eyelids squeezing tighter, my body clenching, and every thought spinning off into orbit.

“Fuck,” Leon said on a groan as he broke the kiss and planted his forehead down on mine.

My head swung back, the loss of his mouth allowing sanity to dawn and three distinct words to blare in my head with devastating clarity.

I kissed Leon.

My senses returned, late as fuck, and slapped me back to reality with a resounding crack.

I muttered a strangled curse before shoving away from him, my lungs pumping furiously in my chest and my heart hammering. Leon straightened and turned to me, the dazed look decorating his face slowly giving way to a devilish smirk.

His gaze flicked down to my still-tingling lips and every vertebra in my spine locked into place. Shit… only in my wildest dreams was there a chance he would let me sweep this aside and pretend it never happened.

As if reading my thoughts, he ran a thumb over his kiss-swollen bottom lip and arched a brow. “You kissed me.”

I’d sell my bratty sister to be able to deny it, but since that wasn’t possible, and words adequate enough to explain my actions didn't exist, I blurted the first thing that entered my head instead, “You spilled beer in my car.”

My lids swooped down momentarily because what. The fuck. Was. That? But I cleared my throat and tipped my head up, meeting his gaze with a defiant stare. I goddamn said what I said. Deal with it.

The corners of Leon’s lips pulled up into a self-satisfied grin, and my insides roiled at the sight. That smug little asshole was getting way too much enjoyment out of this.

His head bobbed as he scrubbed a hand over his whiskered jaw. “Yeah, I can see how that would make me irresistible to you.”
