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A face ended up smashed against my chest, small fingers fisting my shirt and pulling me closer.

Easing back, I bent low and looked down at her with squinted eyes. “You okay?”

Red looked up through thickly coated lashes and sunk two teeth into her glossy, pink lip. “I’ll say.” She smiled. “You can run into me anytime, Leon Bradshaw.”

My brows nipped. I had no idea who this chick was. She looked about twelve, though. “You go to Claremont?”

“Yeah. Sophomore year. I’ll be sixteen in two weeks.”

Jesus. I grinned but took a step back. When her lips twisted into an exaggerated pout, I tossed her a wink. Might as well lap it up. It was all coming to an end in a couple of months. Fuck, I’d miss the fawning. Not gonna lie.

“You really will screw anything with a pulse.” The hard scrape of Lissa’s unamused voice came from over my shoulder. “Even jailbait.”

Shit. I dropped my head and reached down to loosen the fingers of the fifteen-year-old seductress still clinging to my shirt.

“Better head back downstairs, Sophomore.” I tipped my head back over my shoulder. “She bites.”

Red lifted her face and aimed a glower around me. Her eyes widened a second later, then she spun on her heel and flounced down the stairs.

I turned to face Lissa and nearly swallowed my goddamn tongue. I’d been trying to play it cool all night, covert glances and all that, so I hadn’t gotten a good look at her… I fucking did now. My eyes damn near fell out of my head as they roved over her body.

The arms folded over her chest plumped up a pair of creamy breasts that practically begged for my attention. Her shimmering gold dress barely made it to mid-thigh, but it slid over every slim curve it touched on the way down, making my mouth water and my balls ache.

Lissa was magazine cover gorgeous—even with that mean-ass death glare twisting up her pretty face. Wouldn’t surprise me if she were feeding my balls through a mincer in her head right now—those slitted blue eyes fucking impaled me.

It probably shouldn’t turn me on. My dick didn’t seem to care.

“Birthday girl.” I grinned, fighting the intense urge to push her back into the wall.

Her eyes pinched. “Dickface.”

I licked my lips. “Not where I’d planned to put it first, but I sure as shit wouldn’t say no.”

She rolled her eyes and untucked one of her hands, curling the tips of her fingers inwards and dropping her gaze to her black fingernails. Okay, Snow Queen… act bored. I didn’t buy it for one fucking second.

“Finally ran out of legal aged girls to bang and now you’ve resorted to cradle-robbing, huh?”

A rough chuckle escaped my lips, and I brought my head down as I stepped into her space. The rush of air that fled her mouth kissed the skin of my neck, her throat convulsing on a tight swallow, and it all sent a heady burst of adrenaline charging through my veins.

“There’s still one legal-aged girl I haven’t fucked yet, Snow Queen,” I drawled into her ear.

She backed up a step and cleared her throat, eyes darting away. “Well, I wouldn’t put it on the bucket list, Pretty Boy. It’s never gonna happen.”

A prettier fucking lie had never been spoken.

My thighs brushed against hers as I planted a hand on the wall above her head. “You sure about that, Lissa?”

Her tongue darted out to touch her lips, and she shifted on her feet. Lids hooded, her eyes flickered over my face, pausing briefly on my mouth. “As sure as I am that what happened last night was a mistake. One I won’t be repeating anytime soon.” A slim hand flattened against my chest. “Back up, Bradshaw.”

I hadn’t missed the way her eyes flared when they’d hit my lips. “Can’t stop thinking about it though, can you?”

The chords of her neck strained as her jaw pulled taut. “What I’m thinking, is I could live five lifetimes and never do anything that could fill me with as much regret.”

My lips tugged up at one side. “Want me to fill you with something else instead? Take your mind off it.”

Her eyes widened, and she dipped out from under my arm.

I grinned, head falling. “That’s a no, then?”
