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I slammed the glass into his chest and muttered, “I’m leaving.”

Leon’s thick brows drew down over his eyes as I stalked past him, but his head was shaking before I’d finished speaking. “Already told you, sweetheart, I’m not letting you drive tonight.”

My heart clenched. He had to stop calling me sweetheart, and I had to quit reacting to it. The assertive edge to his voice stoked the fires of my libido even as my brain rejected his command. Didn’t matter who he was or what he looked like, I wouldn’t just stand back and take orders.

“You don’t get to tell me what to do, Pretty Boy. I’m not one of the mindless bimbos you run out on in the middle of the night.”

Slowly closing the distance between us, he narrowed his eyes on my face. “We can always change that, Snow Queen.”

His gravelly voice clung to my skin like molasses, and I knew I’d need a goddamn shower to shake that shit off.

“Please,” I scoffed, but the erratic thump of my heartbeat played like a bass drum in my ears. “Your dick’s probably seen more pussy than a toilet seat. Sex with you should be considered a health hazard. Pretty sure my insurance plan wouldn’t cover it.”

The sexiest smile I’d ever seen on anyone slowly worked its way over Leon’s face as he scrubbed his fingers over the layer of scruff coating his jaw, his steel-blue eyes slamming into m

ine with a blistering intensity. “I’ll make it worth it, Lissa.”

Hot waves of desire coursed through my veins, and I lengthened my spine, driving my head back.

“I don’t doubt it with all the practice you got in these last few months.” That was all I had, the only weapon in my arsenal. I couldn’t fight my attraction to him, or my body’s response to his presence, but I wouldn’t just let myself forget everything else in the face of it. He was a notorious playboy, and I was at risk of forgetting that fact. “Blondes, brunettes, redheads. You’re going through the fucking rainbow of hair colors. You know the tits on that redhead from the other weekend were totally fake, right?”

The instant Leon’s eyes widened, I knew what I’d done—taken the one weapon I had and shot myself in the face with it.


I whirled for the door, but Leon was faster. In a split second, he had my front pressed up against it, two dense arms quickly caging me from behind as he planted his hands against the surface. Every solid inch of his chest aligned with my back and my breaths grew shallow.

This was the closest I'd been to him in eight months, and the contact set the rhythm of my heart soaring. My tongue darted out to lick my lips when his warm breath skated over my temple.

I should have moved, pushed him away. Nothing about being trapped in Leon's arms was sensible. Not when I knew how he felt about my best friend, or how he used and discarded women. Not when I felt the strength of my resolve ebbing the longer I stayed in the circle of his arms… and especially not when there was something so achingly familiar about his touch, something that generated an overwhelming desire to turn and crush myself against him.

My pulse jack-hammered under my skin as his mouth grazed the shell of my ear and his gruff voice filtered through my ear. “Been stalking me, Snow Queen?”

Hot blood tingled in my cheeks and a tidal wave of humiliation rushed through me, almost taking my legs out from under me.

But it was too late to take it back now. I’d already opened my big fucking mouth and spewed that shit out. I had no other option but to own it.

“Call it curiosity.”

He buried his nose in my hair and inhaled. “Did you touch yourself while you were looking at me, Lissa?”

A bolt of raw need shot straight to my core, and I sucked in a ragged breath. “I wouldn’t tell you if I had.”

He shifted his head, bringing his lips tantalizingly close to my skin. I shivered when he gathered my hair in his hand and swept it over my shoulder, the backs of his fingers stroking the column of my neck.

“Why’d you kiss that jackass tonight?” Leon's softly grated words were thick, each one punctuated by a slightly labored breath that echoed my own.

“What?” I murmured, fighting to function on a basic level.

“It’s not him you want, is it?”

Damn, but he was an arrogant asshole—even if he was bang on the money.

Did he have to make me admit it? Did he have to rub it in my face? I pulled my head up and tried to push out of his hold. “I don’t even know why I came here.”

Leon clamped his arms around my waist and hauled me back against his chest. His heart thumped hard against my back, but his words were soft when he spoke. “Yeah, you do, Snow Queen.”

My lids shuttered as his whispered words floated over my skin.
