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A light snort broke from me as I watched her car bunny hop three times before she eased it into the flow of traffic, narrowly missing a parked car.

Girl still couldn’t drive for shit.

I placed some cash down on top of Riley’s, then walked out and made my way to the car. Less than ten minutes—that’s how long the drive from Beat’s to my place was. I drove the entire way on autopilot, since my brain had its priorities severely mixed up.

Leon. Party. Outfit… and then let’s fucking focus on not crashing and dying. Jesus christ.

“Hey, I'm ba—” I stopped mid-sentence as I strolled through the kitchen doorway, my eyebrows sinking at the sight of the three rectangular boxes of cupcakes lining the counter. “What the hell? Where did these come from?” I frowned as I spun around the empty room. Bree was a fucking snake!

I stalked down the hall, peering into the living room as I passed by, and finding it empty.

“Hey?” I yelled up the stairs. “Where'd these cupcakes come from? I said I was doing them!”

Bella popped her head over the railing, her blonde hair fastened in a high pony a la Ariana Grande, and rested her chin on her folded arms. “Your BF—who totally is your BF, btw—dropped them off.”

“What?” I blinked up the stairs, eyes shooting open.

“Yeah.” She nodded, her pony bouncing. “He brought them when you were out.”

“Leon did?”

“Got more boyfriends?”

My nostrils flared as I glared up at her. “Not my boyfriend, Bella. I don't have a boyfriend.”

Her head cocked. “Why would he do that if he wasn't your boyfriend?”

My lips parted, then clamped shut just as quick.

Good question.

Why would he do that?

Bella's hair swung around her head like a whip as she spun away, adding a touch of dramatic flair to her exit. Turning, I lowered myself down on the stairs slowly and rubbed my hands over my eyes.

“I'm not taking those either, btw,” Bella yelled.

“What?” I fell back against the steps and angled my head up to see her hanging over the railing again.

Those blue eyes gleamed as she grinned down at me. “I’m not taking them. It's cheating. They're store bought.”

That little asshole. My teeth clashed, and I stabbed a finger up in her direction. “Oh, you're taking them, you snot-nosed little brat! You’re taking them and you’ll tell everyone I baked them!”

“You’re telling me to lie?”

The sly glint in her eyes told me she had me by the balls.

Goddammit with this kid.

“You’re taking them!”

She laughed as she whirled away and I exhaled, the edge of the step digging into my lower back as I redirected my gaze up to the ceiling and tried to process what Leon had done, and why he'd done it.

Because now, I had to figure out how the fuck I was going to bring myself to say thank you.

Not to mention… he might just have bought a piece of my soul for the cost of thirty-six cupcakes.

