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And then he slowed, pumping in and out slowly, while we both drifted back down to earth.

Releasing my lip, his hot, ragged breaths fanned my face as he lifted to look down at me. And as I blinked up at him, my heart swelled with a depth of affection that shook me. It spread swiftly through my body with each forceful thud of my heart, infusing the blood in my veins, flooding every cell.

My eyes lingered on the shaded contours of his beautiful face, bathed in moonlight, as he softened inside of me. When I trailed my gaze up, I drowned in two deep-blue pools of simmering intensity that penetrated right through me, reached inside with delicate precision, and extracted parts of me I knew I'd never get back.

Sex without emotion? God, what a joke. My throat closed.

Leon blinked slowly, each heavy breath deep and even as he traced the pads of his thumbs over my cheeks. Every gentle stroke was a soothing balm to my rapidly spiralling panic, but it couldn’t be pushed aside completely. I'd lived my life shielded behind a cold, frosted wall of glass.

It lay in broken shards around me now, leaving me bare, open, and the need to flee was strong.

Because what if I couldn't build it back up?

What if one night was too much?

What if it wasn't enough?

Leon's brows flickered. “Thought you weren't gonna run, Snow Queen.”

Swallowing over a tight knot, I gave a stiff nod and affected an airiness to my tone that was worlds away from the turmoil churning inside of me. “I'm not.”

His brow creased as he paused. “But you want to.”

My heart jolted, and I fought the urge to look away.

He could see me—all the vulnerable parts, the messy parts, the parts I wanted to keep hidden—he could see them all.

I gave a half-hearted scoff, striving for indifference. “Is a trip to the bathroom permitted? Or you planning on pinning me to the bed with your dick all night to keep me here?”

His lips ticked up on one side, eyes glinting as his hair fell forward on to his forehead. “I'm not opposed to the idea.” His face softened. “I'd rather you stayed because you want to, though.”

And I did. I wanted to stay.

That only made the desire to run that much stronger, and that’s exactly how I knew I was in too deep.

Grappling for solid ground as the surface beneath me rocked, I muttered, “That's deep, Pretty Boy.”

His head tilted, something I couldn’t decipher passing over his face. Then his mouth formed a slick grin, and he gave his hips a light thrust. “Damn right, it is.”

A faint snort of air filtered through my nostrils as I gave his shoulders a little nudge and wriggled beneath him. “I need to pee.”

He looked down at me a few seconds longer, then drew back onto his haunches, closing his hands around my wrists and helping me up.

I stood, tugging open the dresser and grabbing a sleep shirt before throwing it over my head. When Leon rose to his feet behind me, I spun to him without thinking, and gulped. My eyes were everywhere all at once, and I still couldn't take in enough of him.

Mouth dry, I dipped my tongue out and rolled it over my lips.

“Hungry, Snow Queen?”

My head snapped up.

And there was that lazy grin, the smug lilt to his full lips that told me he knew exactly what I was thinking, and that he fucking revelled in it. Shooting him a narrowed glare, I paced from the room with a firm shake of my head, taking my sweet time using the bathroom. I peed, cleaned up, brushed my teeth, flossed, and washed my hands until the skin turned red… all without taking a glimpse in the mirror. Not once. I was too afraid of what I’d see staring back at me.

Various cartons of Chinese takeout covered the bed when I walked back into the room, along with a shirtless Leon, who was easily the most appetizing thing on the menu. Sinking down awkwardly on top of the comforter, I folded my legs over each other and snagged a carton. I took a set of chopsticks and peeked inside, then I glanced up with the utensils poised in my hand. If I didn’t say it now, I never would. And I needed to say it.

“Thank you.”

For the cupcakes.

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