Page 221 of The Better Brother

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“He used me,” I said, shaking my head. “He knew all along that he was going to tear down all the shops I took him in. He said I was his tour guide. Bullshit, I was just like the guy who marks which trees get cut down in the forest.”

“Maggie, you’re overreacting,” Carl said.

“No, Carl, I don’t think I am.” I blew out a long breath and wiped my eyes. I mustered the best smile that I could for them. “So, when will you close?”

“We’re having a big closing party next Friday night,” Doris said. “We’re going to invite the whole town to come out and help us say goodbye.”

“Then what?”

They looked at each other and smiled.

Carl said, “Then, it’s Florida here we come!”

Doris grabbed his arm and tugged him close. “If I never see another snowflake that’ll be just fine with me!”

“I’m happy for you both,” I said.

It seemed that everything was working out fine for everyone -except me.


The news broke the next day.

Jenner Investment Group, with headquarters in Denver, Colorado, and offices around the world, announced that it had signed a deal with the city of Mountain View, Colorado, to build a hotel, resort, and spa in the downtown district. The hotel would have 200 rooms and feature a five-star restaurant, and a luxurious spa. Across the street would be the latest location of Jenner Outdoors, the company’s retail outlet.

City Council President (and fucking douchebag) Ted Reed, commen

ted that the original plan included just the property where the hotel would be located, but willing merchants on the facing block were more than happy to sell their land at top dollar so Jenner could build the store.

“This whole thing stinks,” I said, tossing the paper on the kitchen table.

“You’re the only one who seems upset,” Jackie said. “Why are you so pissed?”

“Because Tyler lied to me!” I snapped. “He had his shady business partner pay off Ted and the mayor to bully those people into selling. Then there is the fact that he didn’t once tell me about the business deal himself. I had no idea he was behind the company buying up downtown. I wouldn’t have known anything if Ted hadn’t told you! If he could do that, what else is he hiding?”

Jackie got up from the table to give me a hug. She said, “I’m sorry, Mags. I know you’re really hurt about his crap, but you know that everyone deserves a second chance. You gave me a second chance at life when you took me in and I will never forget it. Tyler did some shady shit but that doesn’t mean he can’t change. He’s obviously head over heels for you. Maybe he just needs someone like you in his life to see how screwed up he is.”

“Jackie, this is the real world. Screwed up guys like Tyler don’t change. Besides I’m sure he’s over me or whatever it was we had. And I’m better off without him. I’ve got to move on.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “Do you think I could get a job waiting tables at the club?”

“Oh, Mags, you don’t want to work there.”

“I have to work somewhere, Jackie,” I said. “All I know is cooking. And like you told me once before, if I can’t cook, I should use my boobs to get by.”

“I’m not sure that’s exactly what I said,” Jackie said. She stared at me for a moment, probably waiting for me to change my mind. When I didn’t, she held up her hands and sighed. “Okay, I’ll talk to Ray tonight.”

“Thank you.”

She picked up the paper and dropped it into the trashcan by the back door. “Are you going to the closing party at the steakhouse tonight?”

“I promised Carl and Doris that I would. You?”

“I’ll stop by for a bit before work.” She gave me a concerned look and stared into my eyes. “You okay, Mags? Really?”

I forced a smile and shuddered a sigh.

“Never better, Jacks. Never fucking better.”

* * *
