Page 282 of The Better Brother

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I knew the moment he saw the stretch marks that trailed up the sides of my breasts that he would know.

He pulled my bra down, and my breathing sped up. For a moment, my nipples were bared to the warm air of the diner. I could feel them puckering underneath his gaze, hardening as I spilled into my panties. His fingertips rose to the side of my breast, tracing every lightened stretch mark he could find as I visibly quaked in his lap.

I was panting with fear while my pussy was growing wet with desire.

Suddenly, his lips dipped to my pert nipples. He licked and sucked, the sensations driving me crazy while I continued to moan. The electricity that shot through my body could’ve powered the entire town and, as I bucked wildly in his lap, I could feel the vibrations of his voice echo off the corners of my mind.

“Tell me your secret,” he said.

He ground against me, causing me to gasp for air. I wanted him and I knew he could tell. But I hadn’t told him what he wanted to know. My nipple fell from between his lips and his knee pressed against my clit, causing me to lose myself in his body again while he moved me back and forth.

My arms stayed taut, and his hand stayed wound in my hair as my body shook with the pleasure coursing through my veins. He rocked me to my precipice, my clit swelling with lust and wanton passion as my body started to shiver. My body jolted and darted with my orgasm as he rocked my body faster and faster against his leg, his lips wrapping around my nipples and riding me through the wetness pouring out from between my legs.

I shook helplessly on his lap as my orgasm barreled over my body and, once I collapsed, I felt him readjust my bra and pull my shirt down.

My hazy gaze found his stern eyes, and even though I was flushed with the pleasure he’d just given my body, he still wouldn’t let me go. I stared back at him, truly unsure of what was coming next, but something inside of me chanted a very familiar tune.

You can trust him. You can trust him. You can trust him.

Chapter One – Rose

Crap here we go again.

Nothing good ever came in the mail. The first few days after the first of the month were the days when most of our bills came and I was reminded how dirt poor we really were.

Oh well. There was no need to prolong the pain any further. “Rip that Band-Aid off”, as my mom would say. I took a deep breath and opened the mailbox.

Stacked neatly inside were three threatening letters from the same credit card companies letting me know that I was ninety days behind.

No shit, Sherlock.

The hole I kept digging every month just kept getting deeper. I’m one straw away from breaking the camel’s back.

And when that happens… shit, I don’t know what I’ll do.

The one bright spot of this morning’s trip to the mailbox was the thick pack of coupons at the bottom of the stack.

I tucked the bills under my arm and tore into the coupons as I walked back up the gravel drive to the house I shared with Cassie, and my ten year old brother. Coupons were a necessity of life in Rose’s world.

“Sis! Is breakfast ready yet?”

“Why don’t you come down here and see for yourself?”

I dashed my behind to the kitchen stove to scramble the now nearly burned eggs in a pan, while Kevin bounded down the stairs. His brooding eyes narrowed as he saw me standing at the stove, and I could feel the quip coming on before he even spat it out.

“I thought you said breakfast was—”

“I only said to come see. Sit. Now.”

He groaned but sat down at the table. He blew spit bubbles, and I grimaced. His dark hair fluttered around his head as he leaned back into his chair. He needed a haircut, but that would have to wait. The morning was as hectic as ever. I had to get Kevin to school before I could even think about clocking in for work, and I was running behind.

Fifteen minutes behind, to be exact.

My cell phone rang on the counter, and I saw Crystal’s name pop up. I loved my best friend and all, but I really needed a break. I didn’t need to be taking her call right now, but I knew if I didn’t pick up, she’d just keep calling and calling.

“Sis, food!” Kevin demanded.

“Sit down and hush. It’s almost ready.”
