Page 107 of Sin City Baby

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“Uhh, hey everyone,” I said, raising my hand in an awkward wave. “Thanks for coming”

“It's good to see you again, Hadley,” Evan said.

He got up from the table and walked over, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned into him and took in the scent of his cologne. Soft and musky, it reminded me of younger days. Surprisingly, it was the same cologne he used to wear back in the day. Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered the way things used to be, and the yearning for those better, simpler days weighed heavy on my mind and heart.

By the time he pulled away, I'd wiped my eyes and the fake smile was back on my face. Evan kneeled down and greeted Grayson, and I nearly cried again. Chris would have been so happy to see his friends taking to his son, and yet, he wasn't here for this little reunion.

My heart almost couldn't take it.

By that point, the others had gathered around as well, and I was trying to remain calm. Everyone took turns hugging us, except for Gabe who stayed near the back. His face was blank, and he seemed content to remain aloof. Clearly, the ice between us over my marriage to Chris, had not thawed. Our eyes met, briefly, but he looked away. I half expected him not to come forward. He still looked pissed, but he surprised me. Once everyone else had taken their seat, he too walked over and hugged me.

His breathe was warm against my cheek, and his words shook me right to my core.

“It's good to see you again, Hadley,” he said, whispering it so only he and I could hear it. “I've missed you.”

“I've missed you too,” I said.

He pulled back from the hug, and for a second, it was only the two of us there. His eyes were more green than brown, and they were easily some of the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen. He didn't look any different from when he'd left me, years ago, to go study at Harvard.

Okay, maybe he was more filled out and his jawline was more defined now than it had been then. He certainly looked manlier than I remembered, but his boyish crooked smile was just the same.

Just like before, it made me go weak in the knees.

It brought back so many memories, so many raw feelings I wasn't prepared for in the moment.

Gabriel and I had had something special way back when; back before I'd married Chris. Back before he'd gone off to college. I was never able to forgive him for leaving me and maybe that played some role in how close Chris and I became No, I wasn't upset that he'd gone off to college, I was actually proud of him for that. I'd been upset because it felt like he'd forgotten about me back here in Colorado. Then again, in time, I'd also forgotten about him in a way, and moved on. When I graduated a year later, I went away to UC San Diego and Chris had followed me.

His smile wavered as we took our seats, and he didn't even bother to look at me again through most of dinner.

I guess in his eyes, some sins were unforgivable after all.



When Evan had mentioned dinner at the Rose's in honor of Hadley's return, I initially turned him down. Told him I had work to do. The last thing I wanted was to be around her. To be reminded of what she'd done. He'd kept on pestering me and I'd finally given in, just to get him off my back.

Now though, as I tried my damnedest to not look at her, I knew I'd made a mistake. I shouldn't have come. Everything about her was intoxicating to me – the gentle scent of vanilla that lingered on me long after our embrace had ended, the way her hair had tickled my cheek, the high-pitched tinkling sound of her laughter.

Everything she did tempted me to fall down that rabbit hole again, and God knew, that was the last thing I needed right then.

“Gabe, so how's business going?” Mrs. Rose asked, pulling me back into the conversation.

Clearing my throat, I looked over at her and said, “Great, actually. We just expanded into Europe this year and are continuing to grow. Things couldn't be better.”

“What is it you do again, dear?” she asked.

“Resort development,” I said. “I build luxury hotels and resorts around the world. Like Crimson Peak out near Aspen.”

“Oh yes, I've heard great things about that,” she said, looking over at her daughter who wouldn't meet my gaze. “Did you hear about that hotel, Hadley? It's support to be one of the best in Colorado.”

“Can't say that I have,” she muttered.

She focused on her plate, twirling the pasta around her fork, very pointedly refusing to look at me. “You know, I could always get you a suite there if you'd like to take a vacation,” I said.

I was talking to Mrs. Rose, but Hadley answered for her. “I don't think that'll be necessary,” she said. “But, thank you for the offer.

The room fell silent as an awkward, heavy silence filled the air. Hadley didn't bother to look up, not until her son dropped his fork on the floor. She bent down to retrieve it, showing off some of her cleavage on the way down. Even though I knew it was wrong, I couldn't help but admire the view. Since high school, she'd grown into a beautiful woman, and I found her new, curvier body causing some very strong reactions in my groin. A tightness in my pants made it incredibly uncomfortable to sit there and stare at her.
