Page 227 of Sin City Baby

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Soon, we were all gathered around the table eating breakfast. The Lost Boys and our Tinkerbell. Her hair was mussed, her cheeks were flushed, and the way she wrapped her lips around her fork was nothing short of lewd. I swallowed my groans and tried to concentrate on what I was eating but I could see Kyra fidgeting in her chair.

“You okay?” Owen asked.

“Just ready to get to the hospital,” she said.

“Well, why don’t you finish your coffee and let Chance drive you to the hospital?” I asked. “I know he’s been wanting to see Mark, too.”

The truth of the matter was, Chance would be the easiest to get on board. I knew the only thing he wanted was for Kyra to be happy, no matter what that entailed. He was rough to his core, especially with the things he carried around from his military days, but he loved Kyra. We all did. And he only wanted what was best for her.

I just needed to make sure the other brothers were on board as well.

Ethan shot me a nasty look, with daggers flowing from his eyes. I connected my eyes with him as Kyra started sliding out of her seat and, in an instant, he shook the jealousy away. That was exactly what we needed right now and I was proud of him. Owen got through to us last night when he laid down the law. No more jealousy, no more competitions, and no more stressing out Kyra. As far as she was concerned, we had to present a united front.

And that united front Owen talked about meant I was already one step closer to my plan coming to fruition.

Kyra slipped out of the kitchen and made her way upstairs. For a few minutes, the shower ran, giving all of us some time to think. Chance finished his breakfast in silence before he grabbed himself a travel mug of coffee. Then, he ventured upstairs himself. It didn’t take long for Kyra and Chance to both come back downstairs and she came into the kitchen to wave goodbye before Chance put his hand around her waist.

“Let us know how he’s doing, okay?” Rowan asked.

“Yeah, shoot us a message or something,” Ethan said.

“I will, guys. I promise. And thank you. For everything you’ve done for me.”


We all looked at her with smiles on our faces before Chance led her out of the house. I could tell there was still a part of Ethan that wanted to go after them and assert himself but the fact that he was staying in his seat was a testament to him trying to be better.

And that was exactly what I needed.

“Okay, guys,” I said. “I have a favor to ask.”

“I knew it,” Blake said, grinning. “You’ve always got a plan up your sleeve when you get declarative like that.”

“What’s up?” Owen asked.

“I have a massive Christmas gift for Kyra but it requires all of us to pull ourselves together in a timely fashion,” I said.

“What’s going on?” Ethan asked. “You okay?”

“Yeah. I’m good. Look, since Blake’s speech last night, I’ve come to a conclusion. Especially with the conversation Owen said he had with Kyra yesterday.”

“Okay, hit us with it,” Rowan said.

“No one brother is ever gonna have Kyra.”

My statement silenced the table and I could see all my brothers looking around at one another.

“I mean, we don’t really know that’s true,” Ethan said, grumbling. “She could just be under a lot of stress. And she did make the decision not to be with Landon. That’s a start.”

“Ethan, cut the shit,” I said.

“Harper’s right,” Rowan said. “We’ve hashed all this out already.”

“So, there’s only one logical explanation that gets all of us what we want,” I said.

“Which is?” Owen asked.

“We don’t make her pick just one of us.”
