Page 259 of Sin City Baby

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I collapsed in a fit of sweat and come, breathing Chance’s air while his body rested on top of mine. I could feel the brothers slowly releasing me, their lips planting kisses on the parts of my body that Chance wasn’t currently covering up.

I was so lucky to have found my Lost Boys and I knew I would do whatever it took to make sure I never lost them again.



It was the night of the massive party and I was absolutely ecstatic. We were celebrating the success of my online channel that had just hit one million subscribers. Christmas was hanging thickly in the air and the boys were running around trying to put everything together. I couldn’t have been happier.

I knew they were proud of me, but I was proud of myself, too.

People came from town to indulge in the foods we had catered. I could hear the guys singing my praises every time I turned a corner and it was almost more than I could bear. Chance kept going on and on about how my dedication was inspiring and Harper kept talking about how I should write a book with all my advice in it. Ethan was going on about how he watched every single one of my videos the moment they came out and even my father was up and talking with people about how he knew I could do it.

It had been a long road to recovery for him and he still wasn’t fully there yet. His smile was still a bit lopsided and he walked with a limp, but this past year had dealt him a great deal of improvements. My Lost Boys had been there every step of the way to help, paying for things they had no business paying for and making sure he was comfortable during those long nights when he couldn’t sleep.

And every time I tried to take a breath, another person was wrapping their arms around me and congratulating me on my success.

Blake eventually escorted everyone out when he saw my father becoming tired. Dad was hellbent on throwing this party for me, but that meant we would be done earlier than most would expect. Even though my father had undergone a great deal of healing, he still tired easily and, by the time nine o’clock rolled around, he was ready to lay down.

One of the first updates that took place in the home was soundproofing my father’s suite. Owen and I found out the hard way that the walls in this home weren’t as thick as we wanted them to be, so Chance and Ethan set out to fix the issue. They soundproofed his room to make sure everyone was comfortable when it came to our intimate moments and I could tell my father was just as relieved as we were.

However, one of the second updates we soon made to the house was adding on a basement.

“Why don’t you slip into something more comfortable and meet us downstairs?”

I turned around at Chance’s voice, and I knew exactly what that phrase meant.

“I’d love to.” I stood up onto my toes and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush before he pulled me into his arms. He held me there for a little while, simply breathing in my scent like he had a tendency to do. I placed one more kiss upon his neck before he let me go. Then he gave my ass a little love tap while I walked away from him.

I had no idea what their surprise was for me, but I’d come to love them. The surprises they always gave me were out of this world and they only served to remind me of how wonderful it was to live with the Trents. I slid off into my room and got changed into one of my silken nightgowns so that no matter what, I’d be ready to go to bed.

Most nights, I slept with one of the brothers. Rarely did I ever want my own space, but I was glad I had it for the moments I needed it. Blake was right that first night. Sometimes, we were going to fight and, sometimes, it was going to get out of hand, and during those moments, I was thankful for having my own space to retreat into.

But sleeping beside each of them at night gave me a chance to blossom one-on-one relationships with them and I valued those just as much as I valued them as a whole.

I walked down into the basement we’d added to the house seven months ago and I could already feel the sexual tension. It was a room we kept under lock-and-key. A room we definitely didn’t want my father walking into. It was the first major surprise the boys had ever given to me. They built a playroom underneath the house specifically for all of us to fool around in. It had a massive bed that could accommodate all of us, pillows that were strewn all over the place, and it even had a swing hanging from the ceiling they could strap me in.

I had really come to love that swing.

“I’m coming down, boys,” I said. “Are you guys ready for me?”

“Always,” they said in unison.

I shivered at their voices as I wound down the stairs, and my eyes widened at the sight of them. There they all were, with their pulsing muscles and their gleaming white smiles, donning identical red Santa hats. Their bodies had tight red underwear clinging to the best parts of them, their cocks already erect for me as I made my way to the bottom of the steps. My heart thundered in my ears as my eyes raked over their luscious bodies and I smiled while I slowly sashayed my way toward them.

“So, Santas, am I on the naughty or nice list this year?”

I locked eyes with each of them, watching them all lick their lips while my tits rose to beautiful peaks underneath the thin fabric of my nightgown.

“You’re about to find out,” Harper said.

Soon, my body was flying through the air. Their hands were peeling my nightgown off while they ravished my body. Moans and grunts of pleasure and lust dripped from my lips and I was rushed into a world of thrumming ecstasy and endless orgasms while the brothers stuffed me full. They dove in and out of my depths while I writhed for them. They strapped me to the bed while they used my body for their every whim. I climaxed so hard I could barely breathe, but all they did was push me further.

Push me harder.

Test my limits until I was begging for mercy.

Harper’s lips wrapped around my clit while Chance’s cock pulsed between my lips. Blake’s cock filled my pussy to the brim before he sh
