Page 291 of Sin City Baby

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“It's definitely a thought,” I said. “Perhaps I could pick your brain about applying to law school sometime?”

His smile widened. “You can pick my brain about anything, love,” he said. “Anytime, anywhere...”

He trailed off, but I knew what he was thinking. The look in his eyes told me that Jude had also spoken to him about our little fantasy and that he was all on board with it too. The look in his eyes said he wanted to devour me – sooner, rather than later.

I blushed and looked away, suddenly feeling like all eyes were on me again. In a normal situation, I'd be all for being the center of attention. But, in this case, I knew that all these men were picturing me naked. Picturing themselves using my body in any number of dirty, naughty ways.

The fact that it didn't scare me, but rather turned me on, was my true reason for blushing.

Four attractive, successful men – even if one of them was iffy on me – looking at me with naked lust in their eyes. A rigid anticipation in their bodies. They all wanted me. Wanted to fuck me. Wanted to please me.

The idea of being with them all was becoming more enticing as the evening went on, and I hadn't even finished one glass of champagne yet.

Zane was looking at me now, the scorn I'd seen before almost completely gone. He looked at me with new eyes, as if seeing me for the first time.

“I'm surprised by you, Ember,” he said. “You're nothing like I thought you'd be.”

“You assumed I'd be like my mom, I know,” I sighed. “Everyone does. I abhor her lifestyle, honestly. I didn't choose to go to a prestigious, all-women's college just so I could be someone's trophy wife.”

“Fair point,” Zane said. “I apologize for jumping to conclusions about you.”

“Apology accepted,” I said.

The rest of the meal went on peacefully, the conversation light and fun. There was much laughter and plenty of stories flying around. The focus wasn't just on me anymore, and it was nice. I no longer felt like an outsider amongst Jude's friends – I felt like somewhere along the line, they'd accepted me as one of their own. Or at least, accepted me as Jude's. He squeezed my hand and whispered in my ear, sending a pleasant chill through my body.

“I knew you could do it,” he said.

I wasn't sure what he meant by that and could only assume he meant winning Zane over. Which actually, had been easier than I thought it was going to be. For all he knew, I could have been lying. Not that many women go to a college like Agnes Bouvier to become trophy wives since it is a highly sought after, prestigious university that focuses on breaking the glass ceiling and putting women in places of power in this country – not on a trophy shelf or some billionaire's arm.

Plenty of colleges offered Mrs. degrees, had I wanted to go that route. I chose ABU because I didn't want to just be someone's wife, I wanted my own identity and career for myself. I wanted to make my own mark on this world. I wanted to be remembered as more than just the pretty redhead on some rich man's arm.

Something my mother never had or wanted.

As soon as dinner was over, dessert was served. Dark chocolate mousse with slivers of dark chocolate and homemade whipped cream. It sure as hell beat any birthday cake I'd had, and it was delightfully silky and light on the tongue. I looked over at Jude as I licked my spoon clean, swirling my tongue through the whipped cream suggestively, shooting him bedroom eyes at the same time

He smiled at me and watched every move of my tongue, transfixed on me like we were the only two people there.

As soon as dessert was over, Jude pulled something out of his pocket. A tiny box. My heart raced even more as I wondered what it might be. Not a ring box, right? God, it would be amazing, but it felt like things were moving way too fast for that.

He handed it to me and said, “Open it.”

I pulled off the top of the box, and inside was a silky piece of black fabric. When I lifted it out, I realized it was a blindfold. My heart really started pounding now. Far from a ring – and a hundred times more chilling and exciting.

“Here, let me,” Jude said.

I placed the box on the table and handed the blindfold to Jude. He had me turn around, and I was staring at Nathaniel who wore a pleasant mask, not giving anything away in his eyes or face. Just a sweet, gentle look that calmed me down more than he probably knew.

It was happening. I knew it in my heart that this was the beginning of the fantasy. It was becoming a reality for Jude, and I was going to make it happen.

He slipped the blindfold over my eyes, and everything went absolutely dark.

I couldn't see through it at all. It served its purpose well. Jude's hands gently tied it behind my head, and I felt him lean forward and whisper in my ear again.

“Not too tight, I hope?”

His breath was warm against my ear and I shuddered. “It's perfect,” I managed to choke out.

“Good girl,” he said. “Now follow me, please.”
