Page 320 of Sin City Baby

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A short time later, we left the coffee house and parted ways. Jenn climbed into her crossover SUV – a car, once upon a time, I would have never pictured her in. I was within walking distance to my parent's house, where I was staying, so I took off on foot. When she drove by and gave me a quick beep with her horn, I waved.

A small grin tugged at the corners of my mouth. I still couldn't believe that I'd agreed to have dinner with Cason – something I never would have agreed to had it not been for her. But then her voice echoed through my mind. I deserved to have a little fun. There wasn't anything wrong with me enjoying myself. Was there?

I'd been through pure and utter hell before coming back to Black Oak. Didn't I deserve to just enjoy myself and my life a bit for a change?

Acting on impulse, I pulled out my phone and texted Quinn as I walked, not wanting to be a complete jerk to the guy. After all, he'd been nice enough to help me escape the bonfire when I got to feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all.

I thought it would only be polite to show him a little appreciation for pulling me out of there. I sent him a quick “Thanks for saving me last night,” text and put my phone away.

Not even a full minute had passed when my phone buzzed again, and I had to admit, getting such a quick response from a man like Quinn made me smile. I didn't want to admit it, lest things start getting complicated, but I honestly felt better than I had in a while. When I pulled out my phone and read his text, my face literally hurt from the smile that broke out across it.

Anytime, beautiful. Wanna grab a drink tonight?

Ahh... two dates in one night, what are the odds? And with brothers, no less. In a town as small and insular as Black Oak, it would be positively scandalous and gossip fodder before the day was out. I knew I had to respond and politely decline, figuring that I'd just tell him I had plans already and leave it at that. It didn't want to completely shut the door on us getting together at another point in time though.

I keyed in my message, sent it along – and then my phone rang less than a minute later. I sighed, but was smiling as I answered the call.

“Yes, Quinn?”

“Plans, huh?” he said, in that smooth, sexy drawl of his. “Nothing that can be changed?”

“I'm pretty sure they're set in stone,” I said with a laugh. “But, you can always talk to your brother about that.”

“Bennett?” he asked.

“The other one.”

“Dammit. Cason. The little shit. I should've known,” he muttered under his breath. There was silence on the line for a second, but when he came back on the line, he still didn't seem deterred. “What are you up to right now?”

“Just walking home from the coffee house,” I said.

“So, I guess that means you're probably near Boulevard Books, right?”

I looked across the street at the brick building and smiled fondly, remembering that I'd spent a lot of time as a child.

“I am,” I said. “Right across the street, actually. But, how did –”

“Perfect,” he said. “I'm just finishing up at the restaurant, want to meet me here? “

Driftwood was two doors down from the bookstore. I looked over at the restaurant, which had a new coat of paint and a deck that had been added on since the last time I'd been home. I had no excuse not to step inside and say hello. “Sure,” I said. “But I can only stay for a minute.”

“Great. See you in a few,” he said before hanging up.

Dammit, these McCormick brothers apparently weren't going to let me get away that easily. I smiled as I slipped my phone back into my pocket though. Like I'd told Jenn, I'd be lying through my teeth if I said it wasn't flattering. This sort of ego boost could be dangerous if I didn't keep it – and myself – under control.

Looking both ways before crossing, I strolled across the street to the restaurant. And as I pulled open the heavy wood door, I was greeted by yet another McCormick boy. Bennett was standing at the front of the restaurant, talking to one of his waiters. He was wearing black dress slacks and a dark blue button-up shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and showed off his muscular build. He looked over at me when I walked in, giving me a double take. When he saw it was me, a dashing smile that could have lit up Times Square spread across his face as he excused himself from the guy he'd been chatting with and made his way over to me.

“Can't get enough of our BBQ chicken, can you?” he asked.

“No, it's amazing. But, actually, I'm here to see your brother,” I said. “Quinn called and asked me to stop by.”

“Of course he did,” Bennett said, shaking his head, not able to hide the hint of annoyance in his voice. “He's just finishing a couple of things up in the kitchen, give him a few minutes, will ya?”

“Sure,” I said. “I don't mind waiting.”

“Come, sit at the bar,” he said.

Without waiting for me to respond, he took my arm and led through the restaurant. Half the tables were empty as people began trickling out. Lunch hour for most folks was drawing to a close. He patted a seat for me to take and then slipped behind the bar.
