Page 360 of Sin City Baby

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“But it’s the only one we’ve got. We do have a chance to enact peace right now through my prior relationship with Romeo. It’s at least worth another conversation.”

I knew Enrico wasn’t happy. After all, he was the one that taught me how to defend myself. That was one of my father’s requirements after I’d had Matteo. Once I was feeling better and able to run business as usual in my life, Enrico was responsible for teaching me how to fight. How to defend myself. I was small, but I was strong, and that meant bigger people were at a disadvantage against my training due to underestimating me.

Enrico had been good to me for many years. I was okay by myself now because of him.

“I don’t like this,” Enrico said.

“You’ve already crossed a line with my uncle,” I said. “By telling him you still answer to my father. Or were at least commanded by him. My uncle sits on the same seat my father did, and he can fire you if he wishes. Don’t butt heads with him, Enrico. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I’m worried about you,” he said. “I don’t want to see you get hurt, either.”

I sighed as I took a step away from him.

I’d known for a couple of years now that Enrico cared for me more than he needed to. The way he glanced at me a little too long. The way he quickly came to my defense even when he knew it wasn’t necessary. The way he hovered at times whenever I was by myself or with Matteo out in public. There were many times where people had mistaken him for my boyfriend, and I could see his disappointed eyes whenever I would correct them and call him “my friend.”

And he was.

Enrico was the closest friend I had.

I trusted him more than anyone else. He was the only person I felt comfortable leaving Matteo with alone. I knew that, above all else, his allegiance fell with me and my well-being instead of the well-being of the family. Of the mafia. Of the criminal syndicate my family had brought to the States when they migrated decades ago. I didn’t have the same feelings for him, and he knew that. I made sure it was clear whenever things became awkward between us.

I needed someone I could trust at my side with the road I was about to travel.

Which was why I didn’t need him pissing off my uncle.


“I know, I know. I’m your bodyguard and your friend. Nothing else. But that doesn't mean I still can’t be worried about you. It’s technically my job,” he said.

He had a point.

“I promised Matteo a movie. We’ll speak more about this later,” I said, before turning and heading up the steps.

I was happy to have Enrico by my side, but the level of his care and willingness to sacrifice his own safety had put me on edge.



A knock on the door led me from my office, but I was surprised by the vision before me when I opened it.

Julia was there, standing in a beautiful dress whipping around her luxurious thighs as the breeze filtered into the house.

Her red-streaked hair was sparkling in the sunlight and floating around her breasts, fanning out along her face and pulling her hazel eyes to the forefront.

“Are you going to let me in?” she asked.

You bet I am.

I opened the door and stepped to the side, but soon there was a commotion coming down the stairs. Antony and my mother were laughing at something as they traveled down the staircase, and I shut the door as Julia’s eyes glanced up to take them in. I stood behind her, my hands in my pockets, as Antony’s eyebrows shot up to the damn crown of his head.

My mother gave her a once-over, then smiled as she leaned over to my brother.

“They’d make beautiful babies together.”

“You’re a terrible whisperer, Mother,” I said.

“Luisa. It’s good to see you again,” Julia said.
